About immigrations and shitholes

Let me explain a bit more about the shithole thing, Will. And how it is used to oppress productive citizens of First-World countries.

In a point of my 10-minute commute from my home to my work, I see the outskirts of a slum. These are the images you are shown when your TV channels speak about Central America, with really depressing houses (I think that «shacks» is the world in English). These are the people that we are sending to you. Not the best. Uneducated, not smart and mostly lazy. Most productive people stay in the Central American countries while only the desperate migrate to other countries.

When I get to this part, I think: «If I lived in Spain, these people would live in 90-square meter apartment, which is standard in Spain. (is this 968 square feet?). So there would be no slum. I would live in a 90-square meter apartment too (instead of a big and beautiful house). The difference is that I would pay for the apartments of these people.»

«In Spain, these people would work the same as they work now, that is, almost nothing. I would work the same as I work now, that is, a lot. But the government would take so many taxes from me so I wouldn’t be able to afford a house but an apartment. With these taxes, the government would subsidize these people so they can afford an apartment. So these people and productive people would practically have the same home (a 90-square meter apartment), but productive people would pay for both.». I really prefer that the products of my work go to my family and not to these people. If this means to have slums in my country because these people don’t like to work, so be it.

In short, when you see the Central American shitholes in TV, this is how your non-productive people would live if they wouldn’t be heavily subsidized. They don’t show the beautiful houses and beautiful places. If you watch a TV program about Paris, about New York you will see the beautiful places (the Tour Eiffel, Times Square). If you watch a TV program about Central America, you will see only the ugly places: the poorest neighborhoods. This is not by chance. They want you to think: «Thank God I don’t live in these countries. I couldn’t live like that» so they can oppress you and raise taxes. No, if you lived in these countries, you would not live like that. The same way, in Canada and USA you don’t live in the worst neighborhoods.

Some months ago, two families, acquaintances of a relative of mine traveled to Spain to live there as illegal immigrants. These are people that live in a shack, very uneducated and not hard-working. Here they don’t receive anything from the government (besides basic health coverage). Once they get to Spain, they will receive all kinds of welfare and they will live well without working, being economically supported by the productive Spanish people. They have hit a jackpot and they will say their relatives that Spain is the paradise so all kinds of relatives and acquaintances will go to Spain too. The government of Spain will have to raise taxes more and more to support these people (they always do) Meanwhile, my sister and my brother-in-law are working like slaves only to have a normal life. This is how immigration works, when you know both types of countries: the countries where immigrants depart and the countries where immigrants arrive.


Sobre «¿cuándo se jodió la civilización occidental?»

Com hem arribat fins ací?
Mario Vargas Llosas preguntava: «¿Cuándo se jodió el Perú?»
Podem preguntar-nos: «¿Cuándo se jodió la civilización occidental?»
Se jodió cuando cambiamos la religión cristiana por la religión progresista
Van canviar una religió veritable i que funcionava per una religió que és una parida mental i que és tot el contrari que la realitat
Un pot mirar per exemple la religió islàmica
Conforme una religió està més prop de la veritat (en el seu aspecte terrenal), la civilització que produeix és més exitosa
L’islam té aspectes que es desvia de la llei natural. Notablement, el seu ús de la violència contra els infidels. Es per això que la civilització que ha produit és violenta i atrasada.
Però també té molts aspectes que segueix la llei natural: la importància de la família, la fe, la comunitat, les bones costums.
Es per això que s’ha pogut sostindre per 1400 anys, mal que bé.
Es molt superior a la religió progressista, que només porta 40 anys i ja està sent conquistada per l’islam.
Ens conquisten perquè la seua religió és superior i, per tant, el sistema que tenen és superior al nostre.
La religió cristiana era superior a l’islam i, per això, havia conquistat a l’islam (fins a final de les guerres mundials del segle XX)
Però la vam tirar a la basura perquè la religió progressista ens prometia una excusa moral per a l’egoisme. Podien fer el que ens donara la gana i tindre comportaments que destrueixen la societat, sense intentar millorar, sense sentiment de culpa i damunt, creient-nos morals i donant lliçons de moral
Era perfecte. Massa perfecte per ser veritat. Algo havia de cedir.
El que va cedir és la societat. Si cada individu fa el que li dona la gana, la societat degenera en anarquia i totalitarisme, com ja va observar Plató
Així, les idees tenen consequències. Més amunt us he explicat les consequències que té la idea de igualtat (que només és una excusa per a l’egoisme)
Una de les consequències és el genocidi de la raça blanca, l’opressió de tot pensament dissident, un estat totalitari
Es la consequència d’haver adoptat una religió absurda, que va en contra de la realitat

Sobre el culte de la igualtat i les seues consequències

El progressisme s’ha convertit en un culte gnòstic pel seu rebuig de la realitat.

Que els negres tenen, en mitjana, menys intel·ligència que els blancs ha estat ben estudiat.

Es podria dir, com diu eixa tipa, que és que el coeficient intel·lectual (IQ) és un estàndar que discrimina a la gent de raça negra.

Però això deixaria sense explicar l’evidència abrumadora que:

1) Els negres van pitjor en els estudis que els blancs

2) Els negres van pitjor en les professions intel·lectuals que els blancs

3) Els paisos negres van pitjor que els blancs

4) Els barris i ciutats en Estats Units poblades i regentades pels negres van pitjor que les que tenen blancs.

El progressisme no pot admetre que els negres són menys intel·ligents que els blancs

Es refugien en teories absurdes per negar la realitat

En els anys 60, el progressisme va intentar trencar totes les regles que diferenciaven entre els sexes i les races.

Creia, sincerament, que totes les persones eren iguals i eren eixes lleis les que estaven oprimint a dones i a no blancs.

Quan es llevaren eixes regles, tot el món seria igual. Esta és la generació de «Martin Luter King» i «Jo tinc un somni». El somni era que els blancs i negres progressaren agafats de la mà

El problema és que la realitat va anar per una altra part

Les dones van demostrar ser pitjor homes que els homes. Els negres no només van anar cap amunt, sinó que, degut a les mesures progres (destrucció de la família, estat del benestar per als negres), van empitjorar notablement.

I ara el progressisme estava davant d’una bifurcació.

L’opció racional haguera sigut reconéixer l’error i buscar polítiques que ajudaren a dones i negres *que es basaren en la realitat i no en la fantasia*

Però no es podia reconéixer l’error

La igualta

El mite de la igualtat s’havia fet necessari per als progressistes.

1) Per començar, amb la igualtat, els progressistes justificaven que eren més morals que les generacions anteriors (que no havien cregut en la igualtat). Així podien donar lliçons de moral sent gent completament lamentable moralment. Tenien permís per ser lo més egoistes possibles i, al mateix temps, creure’s moralment superior i presumir d’això

2) La igualtat donava a la gent que havia fracassat en la vida una excusa per no mirar cap adins: la culpa és dels altres que m’han discriminat. Això produia un manantial de vots de la gent amargada als partits progressistes.

3) Hi havia molta gent que vivia del mite de la igualtat: polítics, funcionaris, professors d’universitats, gent en organitzacions «humanitàries», etc.

4) La igualtat s’havia convertit en un culte religiós per a molt.


Llavors què fer?

Si la realitat diu que els negres tenen pitjors resultats que els blancs i no pots deixar de dir que els negres són iguals als blancs, què et queda?

Et queda tot un regne de teories absurdes que no se sostenen, que intenten demostrar el que és fals.

Resulta que els negres són iguals que els blancs, però la societat blanca els discrimina i, per això, no arriben al seu potencial.

Com els discrimina? Per lleis?

No, les lleis són neutrals o afavoreixen als negres.

Els discrimina per una cosa anomenada «racisme sistèmic». Es un racisme que ha empapat la societat fins als ossos i que actua de forma invisible

La gent és racista sense voler-ho ni saber-ho i això fa que discriminen al negre.

I la prova és que el negre no aconsegueix els mateixos resultats que els blancs.

Això fa que la lluita contra el racisme s’haja convertit en endèmica. Mentre en els anys 60, es creia que calia canviar les lleis i arribaria la igualtat i el racisme acabaria.

Ara resulta que el racisme no pot acabar fins que els negres i els blancs no obtinguen els mateixos resultats. Això té una sèrie de consequències.

1) Un munt de treballs per a gent inútil, com la de Kristen Clark, per lluitar contra el racisme o perquè les organitzacions tinguen persones negres.

2) Un munt de vots per als progressistes, que sempre poden dir que lluiten contra el racisme. Com el racisme mai acaba, tampoc acaba el manantial de vots per als progressistes. Les eleccions passen i es poden reciclar les promeses anti-racistes de les anteriors eleccions

3)**La demonització de les persones blanques** Són ells els que produeixen el racisme i es beneficien del seu privilegi: estan disfrutant de coses que deurien anar als negres.

Per tant, és de justícia que els negres obtinguen les propietats dels blancs, perquè els blancs les han obtingut de forma injusta, llevant-li-les als negres.

La igualtat és la teoria, el robo és la pràctica. Si tots som iguals, els que tenen més ho han obtingut de forma injusta i, per tant, cal tornar-lo als altres. Saqueo

4) Tota una sèrie de lleis opressives i idees intolerants per sostindre este edifici mental. Que els blancs són el culpables de tot en el món i tot millorarà quan ells desapareguen. Es el genocidi blanc.

(Tot això ho tindrem a Espanya en dos generacions amb els musulmans. Els musulmans voran que els natius s’emporten els bons treballs perquè són més intel·ligents. Llavors, vindra tot el tema de la discriminació, el racisme sistèmic, les lleis contra els blancs, etc)

El pecado de Jeroboam

En estos últimos años, hemos visto como aquellos en la izquierda que siempre habían pedido tolerancia, se han convertido en intolerantes con todo aquel que no comparte sus propias opiniones. ¿Qué ha provocado este cambio de actitud?

En realidad, la intolerancia era parte del plan:

De hecho, este era siempre el plan.

withdrawal of tolerance from regressive movements before they can become active; intolerance even toward thought, opinion, and word, and finally, intolerance… toward the self-styled conservatives [Tactics] would include the withdrawal of toleration of speech and assembly from groups and movements which promote aggressive policies, armament, chauvinism, discrimination on the grounds of race and religion, or which oppose the extension of public services, social security, medical care, etc.

Anyone who opposes any extension of public service, social security, or medical care, or who supports freedom of religion, is to be completely and utterly deplatformed. No freedom of speech, no freedom of assembly, no communication in word, print, or image.

This is the plan; this has always been the plan; all that has been lacking were the means to effectuate the plan. Those means are now at hand. If the President of the United States can be silenced, anyone can be.

This is why they begged for freedom of speech in the first place. To put themselves in a position where they could deny it to everyone else. They demanded the toleration of evil so that they could eventually refuse to tolerate good. The Sin of Jeroboam leads invariably to the destruction of the nation that is foolish enough to commit it.


Jeroboam is one of the men in the Bible who’s been saddled with a reputation as a godless idolater. Throughout the books of 1st and 2nd Kings, the phrase appears like an ominous drumbeat with the description of almost every kingly reign; “He did evil in the eyes of the Lord and did not turn away from any of the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, which he had caused Israel to commit.“ What a terrible legacy to carry down throughout the ages!

And yet Jeroboam had once known the favor of God’s hand, in a way that few ever had. Like David, he had been anointed as king over Israel by one of the Lord’s own prophets, and his ascendancy was promised at a time when it must have seemed impossible. Solomon was a powerful king, the greatest leader Israel had known in its history; he was rich, his armies were strong, and his kingdom was at peace with all the surrounding neighbors. Considering his seven hundred royal wives, he certainly could not have lacked for royal heirs. The thought of Jeroboam succeeding to the greater part of his kingdom would have no doubt seemed laughable, except for the promise of God.

Nor did the prophet Ahijah leave Jeroboam in any doubt as to why God was going to take most of the kingdom away from Solomon. “…because they have forsaken me and worshipped Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, Chemosh the god of the Moabites, and Molech the god of the Ammonites….” Jeroboam knew, long before he became the king of Israel, why the Lord had withdrawn his favor from Solomon’s line, and what he had to do if he wanted to found a dynasty that would endure. “…do whatever I command you and walk in my ways and do what is right in my eyes by keeping my statutes and commands….”

So it seems like truly epic stupidity for Jeroboam to go and build the golden calves at Bethel and Dan right after the prophesied events came to pass. Why would he turn to the worship of the pagan gods almost immediately after witnessing the power of the Lord’s hand bringing the prophecy to completion right before his eyes? The answer is that he didn’t.

Jeroboam’s first sin was a lack of faith. Despite the accuracy with which the prophecies of Ahijah had come to pass, Jeroboam still feared that the people of Israel would revert to their previous loyalties if they continued to go to Jerusalem to offer their sacrifices to the Lord. So he made it easier for them, by building the two golden calves at Bethel and Dan, intending that the people could go there to worship the Lord instead of to the Temple. The calves were not intended to represent any foreign god, they were a symbol of strength and fertility, and in the pagan religions, served as a foundation upon which the idols of the pagan gods would stand. Jeroboam did not build an idol to any of these gods, and in building only the calves, was attempting to abide by the commandment not to represent the Lord as an idol. The foundational symbols of paganism were there, but not the pagan gods nor their worship.

Building a new place of worship to the Lord outside of the Temple could not have seemed like a transgression to the people of Israel at the time. In all the years from Joshua’s leadership until the end of David’s reign, they had freely offered sacrifices to the Lord in many places, subject only to the command not to sacrifice on the “high places”, where the pagan Canaanites worshipped their unholy gods. Jeroboam was only continuing in the older tradition, which must have seemed more familiar to many people, and easier since it didn’t involve a trip into what was now enemy territory. But Jeroboam did violate the Lord’s commands by building shrines on the high places, and appointing priests from tribes other than the Levites. Nevetheless, it must be remembered that these shrines were to the Lord, and these priests were dedicated to the Lord as well. His second sin was of disobedience, not the worship of the pagan gods.

That Jeroboam thought he was still faithful to the Lord is indicated by two things. First, the name of his son Abijah is translated as “My Father is the Lord”. Also, throughout the book of 2nd Kings, a clear distinction is made between kings who did evil in the eyes of the Lord by worshipping pagan gods, as Ahab, king of Israel, did by setting up altars for Baal and Asherah, and those kings, such as Azariah, king of Judah, who did what was right, but still failed to remove the altars to the Lord that were located in the forbidden high places. Of all the kings, only Hezekiah, king of Judah, did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, “just as his father David had done. He removed the high places” and even “broke into pieces the bronze snake Moses had made,” because the people had been burning incense to it. So Jeroboam’s sins, though serious enough to justify the eradication of his line and forfeiture of all that God had promised him, did not consist of the return to paganism that most people assume.

But what do Jeroboam’s sins have to do with us today? More than one would think, because the root cause of his sins is a temptation faced by most Christians today. Tolerance is a byword for virtue these days, but it was Jeroboam’s tolerance for that which was wrong which led to his disobedience, and ultimately culminated in the kingdom’s full-blown rejection of the Lord God of Israel. The Israelites did not immediately turn to Baal and Asherah, indeed, it took them many years to reach that state of apostasy. But the seeds of evil had already been sown by Jeroboam, in his willingness to tolerate forms of worship that God had expressly forbidden.

It is wrong and misleading to suggest, as many do, that Jesus Christ preached tolerance. He did not. “He who is not for me is against me, and he who does not gather with me, scatters.” One finds no call to tolerance in this teaching. Jesus preached forgiveness, for all men, but first he called for the repentance of sin. Tolerance is not the same thing as love; the Christian must love the sinner, but neither tolerate nor condone the evil that the sinner commits.

Even in the oft-referenced case of the woman about to be stoned, Jesus told her, “Go forth and sin no more.” It is not for the Christian to judge, as Jesus himself refused to judge while on Earth, but we have been given our commands, just as Jeroboam was given his – to «go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

It is not easy to do this in a world where even those who claim to be Christian leaders dare to criticize those who would attempt to follow Jesus Christ’s commands, call them intolerant and accuse them of somehow perpetrating hate. But Jesus told his disciples that they would be blessed when the men of the world hated them, and called them evil. If the world labels us intolerant because we preach that there is no way to the Father but through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, we should rejoice and continue to speak the truth, not cower in fear and silence. And yet most of us fail to do as we have been told; we show the same lack of faith and obedience to the words of Jesus Christ that Jeroboam had for the commands of the Lord God of Israel.

The sins of Jeroboam make it clear that it is no virtue to be tolerant in a world of evil, and that it is no vice to be called intolerant by those who reject the Son of God. Jeroboam feared men, not God, and so brought down upon his house a devastating curse of death and destruction. Instead of following his example, let us emulate instead that of the Apostle Paul, who fearlessly preached the good news of Jesus Christ to all mankind.

La conquista global ha comenzado

[Tomado de aquí]
Análisis escrito por Dr. Joseph Mercola


  • De acuerdo con el Foro Económico Mundial, para 2030, los ciudadanos no poseerán ningún bien y serán felices por ello
  • Términos como «la cuarta revolución industrial» y «una mejor reconstrucción» se refieren a la misma agenda a largo plazo para desmantelar la democracia y las fronteras nacionales en favor de un control global y la vigilancia tecnológica para mantener el orden público
  • Durante décadas, la guerra y las amenazas de guerra han enriquecido a la élite tecnocrática y han mantenido a la población de acuerdo a sus intereses. Hoy en día, las pandemias y la amenaza de brotes infecciosos son las nuevas herramientas para el control social
  • La Reserva Federal de los Estados Unidos está trabajando en una moneda digital de un banco central (CBDC, por sus siglas en inglés). Este sistema de moneda digital es parte del sistema de control social
  • Los globalistas que buscan implementar una agenda tecnocrática incluyen: las Naciones Unidas, el Foro Económico Mundial, Bill Gates y fundaciones como la Fundación Rockefeller, la Fundación de las Naciones Unidas y la Fundación Open Society de George Soros, Avanti Communications, Vision y Frontier 2030, Google, Mastercard y Salesforce

En el siguiente video “8 predicciones para el mundo en 2030” del Foro Económico Mundial, demuestra lo que la élite tiene pensado para todos nosotros.

Dichas predicciones incluyen lo siguiente:

«No poseerá nada y será feliz», ya que alquilará todo lo que necesite y se le entregará a domicilio.
«Estados Unidos no será la primera potencia mundial», ya que muchos países dominarán juntos.
«No tendrá que esperar a un donante de órganos», sino que los órganos se imprimirán en 3D, en lugar de utilizar órganos de donantes fallecidos.
«Comerá menos carne», ya que la carne será un placer ocasional, y “no un alimento básico, por el bien del medio ambiente y su propia salud».

Como se detalla en muchos artículos anteriores, esta es una locura, no solo por razones de salud sino también ambientales. Integrar el ganado es un aspecto importante de una agricultura regenerativa exitosa que puede resolver tanto la escasez de alimentos como las preocupaciones ambientales. Para mayor información, lea el artículo: «6 razones principales para apoyar la agricultura regenerativa«.

«Mil millones de personas tendrán que desplazarse por el cambio climático», por lo que los países deberán prepararse para recibir a más refugiados.
«Las empresas tendrán que pagar por emitir dióxido de carbono», ya que habrá un precio global por el carbono para eliminar los combustibles fósiles. Vandana Shiva, Ph. D., ha discutido sobre cómo en lugar de promover la agricultura orgánica y regenerativa, la élite tecnocrática está impulsando algo conocido como agricultura natural sin presupuesto. Bill Gates es parte de este panorama.

Según ha explicado Shiva, esto funciona de la siguiente manera: el estado obtiene grandes préstamos, que luego se reparten entre los agricultores para que cultiven alimentos de manera gratuita. Los agricultores ganan dinero al negociar su tasa de carbono del suelo en el mercado global.

El carbono se está convirtiendo en un producto comercializable, al reemplazar la producción agrícola real de granos y otros cultivos. Los agricultores que tengan más carbono en su suelo ganarán más dinero que los que tienen suelos más pobres. Mientras tanto, los cultivos no son rentables.

«La humanidad podrá viajar a Marte«, ya que los científicos “están trabajando para hacer una estancia saludable en el espacio”, al abrir la posibilidad de convertirnos en una raza espacial y colonizar otros planetas.
«Los valores occidentales serán puestos a prueba».

Las pandemias son para el control social

Durante décadas, la guerra y las amenazas de guerra han enriquecido a la élite tecnocrática y han mantenido a la población de acuerdo a sus intereses. La guerra y los ataques psicológicos se han utilizado en repetidas ocasiones para imponernos más restricciones y eliminar nuestras libertades. La Ley Patriota en los Estados Unidos, impuesta tras el 11 de septiembre, es solo un ejemplo.

Hoy en día, las pandemias y la amenaza de brotes infecciosos son las nuevas herramientas para el control social. Durante años, Gates preparó la mente de las personas para pensar en virus mortales e invisibles que pueden aparecer en cualquier momento. Y la única manera de protegernos es al renunciar a las antiguas nociones de privacidad, libertad y toma de decisiones.

Necesitamos alejarnos de las personas, incluyendo los miembros de nuestra familia. Necesitamos usar cubrebocas, incluso en nuestra casa y al tener relaciones sexuales. Necesitamos cerrar las pequeñas empresas y trabajar desde casa. Necesitamos vacunar a toda la población mundial y generar restricciones en los viajes para evitar la posibilidad de propagación.

Debemos rastrear a todos, durante todo el día, e instalar lectores biométricos en el cuerpo para identificar quiénes podrían ser una amenaza. Las personas infectadas son la nueva amenaza. Esto es lo que la élite tecnocrática quiere que creamos, y han logrado convencer a muchas personas en tan solo unos pocos meses.

Para más información sobre la tecnocracia, por favor visite el artículo «Los peligros apremiantes de la tecnocracia«.

Nuevo sistema de moneda digital

Otros dos factores de este plan totalitario son la transición a una moneda digital que, a su vez, estaría relacionada a las identificaciones digitales. Con eso, será más sencillo aplicar las reglas sociales, ya que sus finanzas e identidad, pueden ser retenidas si no las cumple.

Qué fácil sería automatizar todo de manera que, si no se vacuna o publica algo indeseable en Internet, su cuenta bancaria no estará disponible o su identificación biométrica no le permitirá ingresar a su oficina.

Un artículo del 13 de agosto de 2020 en el sitio web de la Reserva Federal analiza los supuestos beneficios de una moneda digital del banco central (CBDC). Existe un acuerdo general entre los expertos de que la mayoría de los países implementarán un CBDC dentro de los próximos dos a cuatro años.

Un sistema de moneda digital también es importante para la ingeniería social, ya que puede utilizarse para incentivar los comportamientos que se desean, muy similar a lo que China está haciendo con su sistema de crédito social. Por ejemplo, es posible obtener una cierta cantidad digital, pero debe comprar un artículo determinado o realizar una tarea en especial dentro de un período de tiempo determinado.

Muchas personas desinformadas creerán que estas nuevas CBDC serán similares a las criptomonedas como el Bitcoin, pero estarán muy equivocadas. Bitcoin no está centralizado y es una estrategia para salir del sistema controlado por el banco central, mientras que estos CBDC estarán enfocados y controlados por los bancos centrales.

Los globalistas

Aunque hablo mucho sobre Gates, no es el único involucrado. Da la casualidad de que a medida que rastrea las relaciones entre los responsables de la toma de decisiones, lo encontrará en muchos lugares.

Por ejemplo, en octubre de 2019, Gates organizó un simulacro para prepararse para un «nuevo coronavirus», conocido como Evento 201, junto con el Centro Johns Hopkins para la Seguridad de la Salud y el Foro Económico Mundial.

El evento predijo lo que sucedería solo 10 semanas después, cuando apareció el COVID-19. Gates y el Foro Económico Mundial, están relacionados con las Naciones Unidas que, aunque mantienen un perfil bajo, al parecer está involucrada en la conquista global.

Gates también es el principal financiador de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, que es la rama médica de la ONU, mientras que el Foro Económico Mundial es la rama social y económica de la ONU. Otros socios involucrados en implementar la agenda globalista incluyen:

Fundaciones como la Fundación Rockefeller, el Fondo Rockefeller Brothers, la Fundación Ford, Bloomberg Philanthropies, la Fundación de las Naciones Unidas y la Fundación Open Society de George Soros
Avanti Communications, un proveedor británico de tecnología satelital con conectividad global
Vision 2030, una asociación que ofrece una infraestructura y las soluciones tecnológicas necesarias para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sustentable de la ONU. Vision 2030 también está asociado con Frontier 2030, que es una asociación bajo el mando del Foro Económico Mundial
Google, el recopilador de información más importante a nivel mundial y líder en servicios de IA
Mastercard, lidera la carga globalista para desarrollar identificaciones digitales y servicios bancarios
Salesforce, líder mundial en computación e inteligencia artificial. Por cierto, Salesforce está dirigido por Marc Benioff, quien también forma parte de la junta directiva del Foro Económico Mundial

La cuarta revolución industrial

En décadas pasadas, los tecnócratas —que son la élite mundial que dirige la gestión de las naciones a nivel mundial— solicitaron un «nuevo orden mundial». Hoy en día, se reemplazó el Nuevo Orden Mundial por términos como «la cuarta revolución industrial» y «una mejor reconstrucción».

Todos estos términos se refieren a la misma agenda a largo plazo para desmantelar la democracia y las fronteras nacionales en favor de un control global, y la confianza en la vigilancia tecnológica en lugar del estado para mantener el orden público: enfocarse en la tecnología, en especial la inteligencia artificial, vigilancia digital y recopilación de información (que es lo que busca el 5G), y la digitalización de la industria (que incluye el banco) y el gobierno, lo que permite la automatización de la ingeniería social y el gobierno social ( aunque eso nunca se indica).

La ONU hace un llamado a las naciones

Es difícil ignorar la función de la ONU en la agenda tecnocrática una vez que comienza a buscar. De acuerdo con lo informado por el Departamento de Comunicaciones Globales de la ONU el 22 de abril de 2020, en un artículo sobre el cambio climático y el COVID-19:

“A medida que el mundo comienza a planificar una recuperación, las Naciones Unidas solicitan a los gobiernos a aprovechar la oportunidad de ‘una mejor reconstrucción’ al crear sociedades más sustentables, resilientes e inclusivas.

‘Con esto, se abre una ventana de esperanza y oportunidad para que las naciones establezcan sus estrategias para recuperarse y formen la economía del siglo XXI de manera limpia, ecológica, saludable, segura y resiliente’, explicó Patricia Espinosa, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CMNUCC (Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático), en su mensaje del Día Internacional de la Madre Tierra. Por lo tanto, es importante que estas estrategias ayuden a la economía a ser más sustentable.

A medida que los gobiernos aprueben estrategias para crear empleos, reducir la pobreza y fomentar el crecimiento económico, el UNEP ayudará a los Estados Miembros a llevar a cabo ‘una mejor reconstrucción’ y aprovechar la oportunidad de invertir en energías renovables, viviendas inteligentes, adquisiciones públicas ecológicas y transporte público, todo bajo los principios y estándares sustentables. Estas acciones serán importantes para cumplir los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sustentable”.

Aquí también se muestra la agenda de los tecnócratas Como lo describe Wood, la tecnocracia es un sistema económico que se basa en asignar recursos energéticos, que requiere de la ingeniería social para controlar a la población y la infraestructura tecnológica para automatizar este control.

En lugar de estar impulsado por la oferta y la demanda, este sistema les dice a las empresas qué recursos pueden utilizar, cuándo y para qué, así como que pueden comprar y alquilar, a juzgar por el video del Foro Económico Mundial del año pasado.

Podría alquilar todo lo que necesite. Es probable que ni siquiera sea suya la ropa que lleva puesta. Todo será «justo» y «equitativo». No habrá necesidad de trabajo duro, ingenio o inteligencia superior a la media. Todos seremos iguales, a excepción de los tecnócratas. Mientras que la ingeniería social nos dice que seremos «felices» en nuestra esclavitud continua.

La distopía invasora

Es importante comprender que una de las maneras en las que se impulsa este plan es al crear nuevas leyes globales. Gates ya ejerce una poderosa influencia sobre la política alimentaria y agrícola a nivel mundial, además de influir en la salud y la tecnología (incluyendo las identificaciones bancarias y digitales).

El plan de llevar a cabo una «mejor reconstrucción», solicita que todas las naciones implementen estrategias ecológicas para recuperarse del COVID. Suena como algo que vale la pena; después de todo, ¿quién no quiere proteger el medio ambiente?

Pero el objetivo final está lejos de esta realidad. El objetivo final es quitarnos nuestro derecho a la privacidad, la propiedad privada o cualquier otra cosa.

Para tener una idea de cuán distópico es el futuro, recuerde la patente internacional WO/2020/060606 de Microsoft para un «sistema de criptomonedas que utiliza datos corporales». Esta patente se presentó el 20 de junio de 2019, mientras que la solicitud de la oficina de patentes de los Estados Unidos (16128518), se presentó el 21 de septiembre de 2018. Como se explica a continuación:

“La actividad del cuerpo humano relacionada con una tarea proporcionada puede utilizarse en el proceso de un sistema de criptomonedas. Un servidor puede ofrecer una tarea a un dispositivo que está relacionado al servidor. Un sensor relacionado al dispositivo o incluido en él puede detectar la actividad del usuario.

Se pueden generar los datos de la actividad al basarse en la actividad detectada del usuario. El sistema de criptomonedas relacionado al dispositivo puede verificar si los datos cumplen con una o más condiciones establecidas por el sistema de criptomonedas y otorgar criptomonedas al usuario cuyos datos se verifican».

Si esta patente se implementa, esencialmente convertiría a los seres humanos en robots. Si alguna vez se ha preguntado cómo una persona promedio se ganará la vida en el futuro impulsado por la inteligencia artificial, esto puede ser parte de su respuesta.

Las personas serán robots sin sentido que pasarán su vida llevando a cabo tareas asignadas por una aplicación a cambio de criptomonedas. Yo prefiero pensar en formas más agradables de pasar mi tiempo aquí en la Tierra.

Foro Económico Mundial: un caballo de Troya

El Foro Económico Mundial junto con la ONU, están enfocadas en el control global. Como se indica en la publicación «World Economic Forum Wheel of Evil» (La rueda demoniaca del Foro Económico Mundial) del blog Canadian Truth:

“Se trata de dos cosas, implementar los [Objetivos de Desarrollo Sustentable] de la ONU y la Cuarta Revolución Industrial del Foro Económico Mundial. La última jugada es el bloqueo total para controlar todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas y todos los recursos del planeta».

La publicación del blog incluye la siguiente ilustración, creada y publicada por el Foro Económico Mundial, que demuestra el impacto de la pandemia y la respuesta global. Si visita el sitio original de la ilustración, también encontrará publicaciones, videos y datos relacionados con todos estos aspectos.

En resumen, la pandemia se está utilizando para destruir las economías locales, lo que permitirá que el Foro Económico Mundial «rescate» a los países endeudados.

Como se mencionó antes, el precio es la libertad. El Foro Económico Mundial, a través de estas medidas, podrá controlar a la mayoría de los países del mundo. Y una parte del plan tecnocrático es eliminar las fronteras nacionales y el nacionalismo.

world economic forum covid-19

Síntomas del poder

Se podría decir mucho más sobre esto, pero he cubierto muchos aspectos de los intereses globalistas en otros artículos, incluyendo: “Milmillonarios de la tecnología se aprovechan de la humanidad durante la pandemia”, “Los multimillonarios tecnológicos intentan crear una moneda global”, “Erudita de Harvard expone a Google y Facebook” y “Cómo la tecnocracia médica hizo posible la pandemia”.

Nada de eso es agradable, pero es importante comprender hacia dónde vamos. Ya no podemos ignorarlo y esperar a que pasen cosas malas.

La pandemia del COVID-19 ha aumentado la brecha económica entre las personas de clase media y la élite rica, con multimillonarios ganando miles de millones de dólares en meses. Sin las pequeñas empresas, las grandes empresas han podido devorar negocios, al expandir su riqueza e influencia, mientras que la pobreza extrema ha aumentado en dos décadas.

Si cree que el Nuevo Acuerdo Ecológico va a nivelar esta disparidad financiera y convertir al mundo en una utopía equitativa, es probable que se sienta decepcionado. El plan globalista no se trata de crear un mundo mejor para la persona promedio. La patente de Microsoft ilustra lo que buscan para nosotros.

La tiranía médica empeorará

La tiranía médica y la censura que ha surgido durante esta pandemia también son parte del plan. Después de todo, si no nos permiten tener nada y quieren poner biosensores en nuestro cuerpo para las criptomonedas, ¿en realidad es probable que nos permitan tomar decisiones medicas?

En los últimos meses, Gates ha anunciado en los medios la necesidad de silenciar las opiniones y la información sobre el virus, su tratamiento y las vacunas que se están fabricando.

De acuerdo con una encuesta citada por RT, menos de la mitad de todas las personas en Estados Unidos ahora dicen que no se pondrían la vacuna incluso si se les pagara 100 dólares. Existen buenas razones para esto, ya que los ensayos están comenzando a revelar los efectos secundarios graves.

Para Gates, que está financiando no menos de seis vacunas para el COVID-19, este es problema. En una entrevista de octubre de 2020, Gates instó a los funcionarios de salud de Estados Unidos a comenzar a «pensar qué ayudará a reducir esta manera de pensar, para que podamos obtener un nivel de vacunación que pueda detener» la pandemia.

A pesar de los riesgos relacionados con estas nuevas vacunas de ARNm, que nunca antes se habían aprobado en humanos, y a pesar del hecho de que los niños y adolescentes tienen un menor riesgo de enfermedad grave o muerte por COVID-19, los defensores de la vacuna como el Dr. Paul Offit ahora están solicitando que se incluyan niños a los ensayos. Con suerte, el número de personas dispuestas a ofrecer a sus hijos como conejillos de indias será menor.

Para terminar, recuerde que la tecnocracia es una sociedad tecnológica dirigida por la ingeniería social. Es por eso que hay un enfoque tan fuerte en la «ciencia». Cada vez que una persona no está de acuerdo, se le acusa de ser «anti-ciencia» y cualquier ciencia que entre en conflicto con el status quo se declara «ciencia desacreditada».

La única ciencia que importa es la que los tecnócratas consideran cierto. La lógica, le dirá que esto no puede ser así. La ciencia no se ha establecido. La ciencia no es unilateral. La ciencia puede estar equivocada. Llegar a la verdad exige que se observe desde muchos ángulos diferentes.

En especial, durante el año pasado, la indagación científica y la curiosidad se censuraron en un grado asombroso. Si permitimos que continúe, el resultado será devastador.

Debemos seguir presionando por la transparencia y la verdad. Debemos insistir en la libertad médica y personal. No se deje intimidar por los que contrarrestan sus objeciones con insultos de “anticiencia” o “teoría de la conspiración”. Está en juego el futuro de la humanidad. Sea valiente. Resista la tiranía.

We Fought The Good Fight And We Lost—This Battle.

[Taken from here]


The riots ran rampant over the summer. Black Luciferian Menaces and Antifa ran amok—stealing, looting, burning, beating, and even killing. Murder. Do you recall declaring cities “autonomous zones”? The terrorizing of citizens?

All with the open and loud support of the media, government, academics, corporations, everybody in the elite.

The flaming riots were called “mostly peaceful protests”. We were told not to worry about it, because people had insurance. We were told the riots were good. And necessary.

AOC, speaking for many, said (ellipsis original):

The whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable.

Activists take that discomfort w/ the status quo & advocate for concrete policy changes. Popular support often starts small & grows.

To folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable… that’s the point.

Fredo, brother of New York’s Godmother, at CNN said this:


The elite was united:


The Wisconsin Capitol was overrun and occupied. In March, the nation’s Capitol was on fire:


No shots were fired then. Not by law enforcement. There was only applause. The mayor, following many others, to honor her city’s lawlessness and burning had “Black Lunatic Murderers” painted on the city streets. Nancy Pelosi led the House in reverent kneeling to their new masters, an act repeated by all the best people everywhere.

The riots and mayhem continue in Portland, even to today.

The National Guard was never called anywhere. The rare calls for law and order were angrily dismissed.

The best the elites could come up with to quell the disorder, including Thief Biden, was the chant “Defund the Police”. Strange that none of the elite was saying that yesterday when Congress had an unarmed Air Force veteran shot and killed.

We all saw the large crowd press their way into the Capitol following Trump’s rally. Some say that this group contained Antifa infiltrators. This may be so (and then there’s this tell). There was certainly a large share of LARPers. Anyway, it’s all irrelevant today. Our elite have decided these were all deplorables, and that perception will become “reality”.

Yet the crowd, by doing very little, by remaining inside the tourist ropes inside the building, even, forced the startled regime into hiding. Their first reaction was fear. This is a good sign, and we should take comfort in it. It shows how weak our rulers really are.

The reaction from the left was as expected, and of not much interest. Except to note that this time the National Guard was called in, and even supported by other states’ contingents like New York’s. The corporate part of our government, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, began pulling down and forbidding videos of the protest, just as they didn’t do in their sponsored summer riots. The color revolution concluded, as these things do, by silencing the opposition. Trump was removed from all social media. Questioning government will soon be illegal.

Never mind all that. It was what happened on the ostensible right that concerns us.

They went into hersterics. Laura Ingram gibbered. Erik Erickson called for our side to be shot. Yes. Ben Shapiro, like many who forget the Boston Tea Party and other historical events, said protest is “un-American”. Cernovich wondered what grift would be left to him.

Ted Cruz, safe behind men ready to do violence on his behalf, and echoing many, said “Violence is always unacceptable”. Rod Dreher peed himself. Twice. Ross Douthat tsked tsked so hard doctors aren’t sure they can save his tongue. David French disappeared up his own backside. Dan Crenshaw switched his eye path to the other side. Sohrab Ahmari, after being forced to endure the sight of a Confederate Flag, did a number two to Derher’s number one.

Bill Kristol grew tumescent posting revenge fantasies. Marco Rubio could not be placated until somebody found his choo-choo, and he stopped annoying the adults. Rich Lowry looked to Rubio in admiration for his tantrum.

Boris “Lock ‘Em Down” Johnson, a damned foreigner, lectured us on proper behavior. Will somebody buy this poor man a comb? Nigel Farage joined Boris in his disapproval. As did many other foreigners anxious to curry favor with our rulers.

The Turtle announced the fix as if it were news, which caused Guy Benson to gush, and Wesley J. Smith to concur.

On and on and on it went, in the most disgusting display of cowardice and abject surrender we’re likely to see in our lifetimes.

This shows, again, why conservatives always lose. As I said on Twitter (all my tweets die of coronavirus after seven days), a handful of people emulated in the most minor way the actions of the violent left, the summer riots that were cheered and excused by every authority, and the Big Con rushed to the microphone in tears to condemn and surrender.

Then there was Trump.

Edward Luttwak, a respected man who knows more than anybody about coups, reminded us archly that Nixon, when he had his election similarly stolen from him, “patriotically” surrendered for the good of the nation.

The Lincoln Project called for Trump’s immediate removal from office, which must have had Pence heavy breathing.

This call became a cacophony with every polite organization saying Trump should be removed via the 25th Amendment. We still don’t know how this will play out—but Trump did run away.

He conceded, not officially but in effect yesterday evening, when he told the supporters he welcomed to go home. He had a chance, he had a moment, and he chose not to fight. This could be because, as some say, he was forced out. Or because the fight wasn’t in him. Either way, his supporters were left out in the cold, in every sense of the word.

The conclusion was early this morning, when Surrendering Pence made the steal official. Trump put out that the transition of power will be happen.

We fought the good fight, and we lost. Some of us will be in deep kimchi because of this, but there are no regrets.

This is all too fresh to say what will be the result of all this, and there is much left out of the story. One thing is certain. They will be coming for us.

Update Did I say they’ll be coming for us?


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 Categories: Culture

37 replies »

  1. My guess is Trump will not be up for continuing the battle beyond his presidency. But if not, someone else will rise to the occasion.

  2. Americans, eager to get on with their lives and fearful of cultural-Marxist ostracism, have been kicking the conservative-sellout can down the road for generations.

    All that denial got torched yesterday.

    It is not a stretch of imagination to envision the Uniparty presently causing American blood to flow in torrents down the gutters of the Deep State. That is the bad news. The good news is that this will not affect most Americans, who will merely be coerced into submission at rather a faster pace than before.

  3. No one fought a good fight. There was a moment of hope but it was like a vapor in a breeze. Almost no leadership turned out for the fiasco, just a large rabble of lost souls. No plan or direction. Trump played out his part also, ran the clock out..

    Yesterday was our best hope, we had close to a million people on site and did nothing. yes we are the party of politeness and civility – Ha, fools, they are at war with us and we wanna sit down and have tea with them, discuss our feelings.

    We did not lose this country, we gave it away along with our freedom.

  4. Either Trump has some super-duper ace plan up his sleeve to redeem his… rally, and turn things around, or that was the lamest piece of generalship imaginable.

  5. Trump: “We are the party of Law and Order – Go Home.”

    Why did he call for the rally in the first place? And say, “It’s going to be wild!” He had to know what was going to happen, calling for a million of his troops to advance deep into enemy territory, Washington DC. And then this big fizzle? If there isn’t some plan here that redeems it, we’ve been had. The fat lady hasn’t sung yet, but you can hear her warming up in the wings.

  6. Divide and Conquer+No Leaders = Defeat. The Troops show up but there is NO ONE to lead. In some defense of POTUS Trump, a Sea of Lance Corporals and a General do not make an effective Military Force!

  7. Hey! Boris Johnson is a native New Yorker!

    It’s normally we Englishmen who complain of his being foreign.

  8. Last night, Congress declared war on the American people.
    They drew first blood.
    So be it.
    “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.”

  9. The inevitable consequence of profligacy is currency debasement. That it has not happened yet is a miracle. No amount of theorizing about infinite digital wealth created from nothing will turn aside this juggernaut. We have forgotten so much other history, but we will be soon forced to reckon with this as it repeats itself.

    On the hopeful side, there is now a small market cap (600 billion now) system, Bitcoin, which is immune from degradation. It cannot be destroyed by any government, is utterly independent and robust, and depends on no counterparty. All other encrypted coins have founders who can control their supply. Bitcoin is divisible and portable. Its acceptance dwarfs that of other digital systems. It has already run-up, but the trend is inexorable after what has happened. No other system in history has its structural integrity.

    What happens next is unknown, but currency ruination is painful. Predictable disaster preparation involving bug-out bags, weapons, and food supplies may not help. It is a black swan.

  10. The schools are right, according to the wussy cowards out there—America is an evil country that killed First People and stole their land. They enslaved blacks. And THEY DID NOT NEGOTIATE A PEACEFUL, WONDERFUL SEPARATION FROM ENGLAND WHERE WE ALL REMAINED BFFs. Violence was involved and we never should have fought a war for a free country. That was soooooo wrong. Thank you Trump, Hannity, and a multitude of other cowards for showing us America is a brutal, vile country founded out of the violence of a revolutionary war. Keep tearing those statues to the evil imperialists that started this god forsaken country. It’s the right thing to do. Submit to the evil and learn to love it.

    Dean: Agreed. The Right is NOT the party of law and order. The party of law and order does not give away an election. They don’t stand with the thieves proudly. All of which the Republicans did, so they are not law and order whatsoever.

    Exring: I hope there is no leader. The violence is greater and more widespread without a leader. It is true mob rule. This is apparently what Americans want since they had zero interest in law and order.

  11. Spot on about the hypocrisy of the way months of endless BLM and Antifa rioting was treated by politicians and the media, versus how a handful of people let into the Capitol building are being treated as an “insurrection”, and used as an excuse to still try to remove Trump from office before Jan 20. The real coup attempt is coming from the left (and I suspect the whole thing was a setup designed precisely to disrupt effort in Congress to contest certification and put the media focus instead on a few alleged troublemakers rather than on election fraud. Right on cue as soon as Congress came back the GOP capitulated even further on the cert process. If they were real “insurrectionists”, then why did they just lark about the building doing things like taking selfies in Pelosi’s office instead of smashing sh*t and burning it down? What a farce. The whole thing was an op designed to be used to try to discredit Trump supporters and the right in general, and to make the GOP establishment and fellow travelers kowtow and engage in more hand-wringing about “our dumbocracy and norms,” etc.).

    If nothing else, the event of the last two months since the election have brought out in clearer relief who among the alleged right are merely grifters, phonies, LARPers, etc. – from GOP politicians, to legacy media like FOX, NRO, TAC, etc., podcast and social media celebrities, many candidates for lustration…and good riddance.

  12. Now what?

    One idea? Mr. Trump could use his own money and connections to start a national multi-media news service dedicated to rebalancing media coverage. That would start by buying and staffing some existing services (especially small town newspapers and radio/tv) , building a social media site to replace the google/twitter/facebook combination, and committing the entire thing to honest journalism coupled with free experession.

  13. Paul Murphy: The horse is out of the barn, too late to shut the door. You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. And you can’t fix this without violence. The PATRIOTS in 1776 understood this. Apparently, the idiots today do not. Keep on shutting the door and hoping the horse comes back and you won’t actually have to deal with reality. Learn to love being subjects and tortured by those who stole the election.

  14. Not the first battle, more like the first skirmish. And this is global, as I don’t believe the Europeans will let pass a change to get the election results they desire. World Cyber War I.

  15. Best post of the year. So far.

    The two-faced hypocrite lying sack leg-peeing Ruling Elite are quaking in their Gucci boots today. We The People have really had enough of their bullcrap. And they know it.

    Boycott ’em. Cut off their money. And if they send their storm troops into your town, well, the jig is up. The governed do not consent. The walls are crumbling.

  16. “We the people have really had enough…The governed do not consent. The walls are crumbling.”

    Is that why so many sheeple nearly a year into a PCR test-induced pseudo-pandemic are still walking around in face muzzles and meekly acquiescing in allowing schools, businesses, jobs, and all normal life and social interaction to be destroyed in the name of Covid as the oligarchs and politicians just consolidate more power in their own hands?

    No, there will be no “insurrections” or “civil wars”…the American people of today are too weak and cowed – Nietzsche’s Last Men who fear nothing so much as the loss of their banal bourgeois pleasures and comforts and material possessions, and for whom a risk-free life is the highest goal (I think this explains the easy acquiescence to Covid mandates and regs said to be done in the name of “keeping us safe.” Even the most minuscule risk of death from a fairly routine respiratory virus strikes fear in the heart of the Last Men, for most of whom life on Earth is all there is or ever will be, so they cling to it ever more desperately, no matter how pointless and joyless their efforts make the actual living of life).

    The system will have to collapse by other means, probably just natural inertia…it may be a long drawn out decades long process like that of the USSR, and probably won’t happen until very long after I am gone, but it will crumble eventually…a society built on utter lies cannot sustain itself indefinitely.

    The best one can hope for in the near term is to cultivate one’s own garden and try to find a way out if you have the means. I’d give anything to be able to up stakes and leave this sinking hole, because the only other viable way out right now may be by means of long term residence in a literal hole in the ground.

  17. ABS watched Tucker “The Cucker” Carlson last night and laughed when he made this claim:

    Political violence begets political violence. That is an iron law. We have to be against that, no matter who commits the violence or under what pretext, no matter how many self-interested demagogues assure us the violence is justified or necessary. We have a duty to oppose all of this, not simply because political violence kills other people’s children, but because in the end it doesn’t work.

    (Well, so much for the colonialists going to war against the British Crown)

    As Christopher Caldwell has amply documented in his book, “The Age of Entitlement,” Civil Rights Legislation was a direct result of blacks rioting all over hell and creation in the 1960s America which changed the idea of “Civil Rights” into the revolutionary doctrine of Human Rights.

    Page 28, Mr. Caldwell avers The riots were the civil rights movement – not the whole of it, certainly, but an important element of it.

    He is a conservative with his eyes wide open which is why he would never be asked to appear on Tucker the Cucker.

    The Capitol Building and what has gone on inside it lo these many years is, to ABS at Least, a Whited Sepulchre teeming with spiritually dead persons, white on the outside with evil being done on the inside as The Turtle and his buddies and Schumer and his tribe work to dispossess Historical America (and all whites) of their legitimate posterity.

    And yet still, most whites have not the first clue how much the political class hates them and desires their elimination by any means necessary.

    Sure, electing a new people is working – ABS was 12 years old in 1960 when America was 90% white and Christian but now it is becoming Yugoslavia. But, if it becomes an idea that whites must simply be killed because they are evil, then, that will be done.

    Keep voting though… that is sure to work

  18. The people who stormed the Capitol building were Antifa infiltrators. It was a false flag operation. Even so, the fat is in the fire. There will be no peace, no matter who calls for it. We have gone over the edge.

    Many of you wanted this. Your wish is granted. The non-violent option has come and gone. Shoulda coulda woulda, but now it’s too late.

  19. If there’s any lemonade to be made from this, it’s this –



    There’s no ‘Vote Harder Next Time!’ icing on the cake here.

    You saw it with your own eyes. The system from top to bottom is illegitimate. Every Check and Balance failed. Trump was your opportunity to test it out. So he’s been useful if only to learn the truth. You’ve got the results. Stop providing legitimacy to it with your participation. It’s over.

    Sure, I guess you can continue to support some local level stuff, like who gets to be your sheriff. But outside of what you can directly control in your vicinity, it’s time to withdraw.


    Support only those who have remained consistent and truthful. Ignore the rest. There’s nothing more to expect from these. They’re done.

    They’ll continue to bleat out, “PEACE! PEACE!” But what they really mean is that only those with the blessings of the state can engage in violence. So sit there and take it. Unless it’s somebody with a State badge doing something, you must not, because to be in possession of a State Badge means your violence is legitimate. But because you are not recognized, you must be a good little sheep and go back into your pen. Because, after all, if you are dead, then who is going to continue subscribing to their Patreon, buying their books of watching their videos to generate ad revenue? They need you peaceful and alive to continue to fund their living. You can’t have your market going on suicide runs here. I mean… just think of how badly this will reflect on them! They might have to put up with a bunch of mean tweets labelling them violent instigators! They can’t have that! That’s career-ending! It’s bothersome! They’ll have to suffer such slings and arrows! They might never be able to post on Facebook again! They’ll be shamed in their Wikipedia entries! Won’t someone please think of the poor career conservatives?

    Well, okay, let’s give them what they want! Let’s all be SOOOO PEACEFULLLL that we refuse to even engage in their Grima Wormtongue politics ever again.

    That’s step one. If you can accomplish that, then you’re ready to do what’s next. But if you can’t get over that barrier, you’re going nowhere. Because you have to be at least this tall to ride what’s coming next.

  20. “ But outside of what you can directly control in your vicinity, it’s time to withdraw. STOP. VOTING. REPUBLICAN. STOP. BUYING. THEIR. BOOKS. UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THEIR SOCIAL MEDIA & YOUTUBES”

    Spot on John. At least Trump has had the salutary effect of laying bare the fraud and corruption that lies the heart of the system, and recent events have exposed a lot of pseudo-right grifters and a RINOs for who they truly are.

    I’d recommend Rolf Dobelli’s recently released book, “Stop Reading the News: A Manifesto for a Happier, a Calmer, and Wiser Life,” for anyone hoping to try to detox from the endless cycle of news noise and BS over the coming months.

  21. You certainly have a way with words, Professor.

    I really hope Trump stays visible and doesn’t shut up in the slighest. If nothing else, someone needs to keep the troops rallied for 2022. I had some fleeting hope in others, like Ted Cruz, but its clear now that all of them are pre-owned swamp dwellers. (I never had any hope for Pence from the beginning, he speaks fluent mush.)

    The one glimmer of hope is that its a safe bet the Demonacrats will overplay their hand badly. Liberals can only win the battle slowly, by boiling the frog. With total control of government (minus SCOTUS?), I predict they go full blast, and the frogs will finally jump. But, as always, it will be pocketbook issues, like higher taxes and 401k confiscation, not principled conservatism, that finally triggers the revolt.

  22. Stop voting? No way.

    But I would agree that we need to stop vote-by-mail. Is there an example of any place in the US with 100% vote-by-mail that ISN’T hopelessly deep blue?

    One could make a convincing argument that if Trump had used every means a president has at his disposal to prevent the lockdowns, he would have won in a massive landslide.

  23. Milton,

    He did win in a massive landslide. To believe otherwise is to believe that Biden has been by far the most popular candidate in the history of the nation, who won with many suspicious voting patterns which no one is allowed to question. You even know that Biden’s win was illegitimate because you want to stop vote by mail.

    What you mean is that the president could have won with an even more impressive landslide, to the extent that not even this year’s blatant level of fraud would have led to a Biden victory. But even if that is true, is that really the game you want to play in the future? That Republicans need to have record breaking levels of support just to have a chance to break through the fraud? And even if that is true this year, what’s to stop the dems from ramping up the fraud to the point where even that level of support isn’t enough?

    You’ve got three options:

    1.) Reform the system. However, this is impossible since neither party supports it (a handful of Republicans do support reform, but the majority of them and all of the establishment have gotten on the “there has not even been a hint of fraud” train).
    2.) Join in the fraud yourself. It’s an acknowledged part of the process.
    3.) Walk away.

  24. “Stop voting? No way. But I would agree that we need to stop vote-by-mail.”

    Stop Vote-By-Mail??? Never! You want people to get sick and die??? Don’t worry, there will always be room for another pandemic if things aren’t going the desired way.

    But why stop at the Mail? You’ll soon be voting through Facebook and Twitter. Much safer! Contact-less! All from the convenience of your phone. Hell, just set it to automate and it’ll vote for you every term! It’ll figure out who you prefer based on your Youtube and Search history. What could go wrong?

    Actually, let’s just let Technocracy and Cyberdyne run the show. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Just keep working at your assigned tasks, wear your mask, and if you feel the need to complain, there is an empty toilet into which you can yell in to as much as you like (which will also be bugged by the NSA).

    You guys are playing on the enemy’s field where they control all the variables.

    So here’s Step 1 – Get off the field.

    That will be your first demonstration of actual courage. To go along with it when you know it doesn’t do anything is no different than wearing those useless masks. It’s a demonstration of your subordination. A sign of your loyalty to the Party that just so happens to wear red or blue depending on how it is feeling.

  25. “I keep thinking, there’s gotta be another way.
    I find it hard to believe God intends to let this stand.”

    God doesn’t. However, He warned us and we didn’t listen. So we decided to do things the hard way.

    “In 1947, Professor William Thomas Walsh authored a book about Fatima, titled Our Lady of Fatima, at the end of which he recounts in an epilogue an interview he had conducted with Sister Lucia of Fatima the year before.

    Speaking with the seer in 1946 about the Blessed Mother’s earlier request that Russia be consecrated by the Pope together with the bishops in the world to Her Immaculate Heart, Sister Lucia told Professor Walsh:

    “What Our Lady wants is that the Pope and all the bishops in the world shall consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart on one special day. If this is done, she will convert Russia and there will be peace. If it is not done, the errors of Russia will spread through every country in the world.”

    “Does this mean,” Walsh then asked, “in your opinion, that every country, without exception, will be overcome by Communism?” And Sister Lucia answered: “Yes.”

    As the translator of this interview, Father Manuel Rocha, was later to reveal, Walsh then asked explicitly about the United States of America, adding: “and does that mean the United States of America, too?” Whereupon Sister Lucia responded once more time with “yes.”

    That is to say, the seer of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, which have been approved by the Catholic Church, predicted that the United States, under certain conditions, would also become Communist.

    This answer might have sounded somewhat unrealistic in 1946, just after the end of the Second World War and the beginning of the Cold War. However, today, in light of these revolutionary riots that seem to change America in a very deep way, they might strike an even stronger tone.”


    Those certain conditions of course meant that the Pope and world’s bishops were to publicly perform a Consecration of Russia, akin to baptising or exorcising a specific individual. That time was requested around 1929. But because we human beings with our clever politics and understanding of geopolitical strategy always know better than God’s own Holy Mother, we decided we’ll ignore her, do things our own way, then pretend we did what was asked and well, here we are…

    The Vatican was filled with Mike Pences and RINOs long before America had ’em. Little wonder now that most of the dopes we call ‘bishops’ vote Democrat. But well, charity with other people’s money is good business.

  26. Johnno – interesting, in a macabre sort of way. There has always been a sense of inevitabililty to it.

    I think I’ve reached the end of my tether. I don’t have kids, I’m no longer with my one true love and I’m in my 40s. I’m going down fighting, no interest in living like this the rest of my life. I’m going to hatch a plan. At least in the US you have guns and some people who understand freedom, a tradition of it – I’m in the UK, it’s a joke here. Really. They aren’t just getting on the trains, they are helping the drivers fix problems with the engine and giving it a lick of paint on the way.

  27. Didn’t you Americans “coin” the phrase “In God We Trust”???
    So, stick to your “guns” Guys & Gals. It ain’t over yet. How many times did Trump say something like, “The Best is yet to come!”?

    Trust in God is not meant to be easy, and it can’t work if you stop doing it! Stopping becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  28. Not exactly sure where the alleged lost battle is. The media is portraying Deplorables badly again?

    There does seems to be an utter lack of historical perspective and imagination going around like false positive Covid results.

    “You’ve got three options:

    1.) Reform the system. However, this is impossible since neither party supports it (a handful of Republicans do support reform, but the majority of them and all of the establishment have gotten on the “there has not even been a hint of fraud” train).
    2.) Join in the fraud yourself. It’s an acknowledged part of the process.
    3.) Walk away.”

    I’m not personally advocating for anything, but I still cannot find that bit where Ben Franklin convinced Jefferson and Co to just wait for the next election to vote in a better King.

    Maybe the defeat is simply folks having to face the fact that their entire “battle plan” was to try and shame the shameless into defeat. In which case there was no chance of victory anyway.

  29. Now we’re seeing Trump’s brilliant plan: send your dupes to Washington, with no plan and no leadership, tell them to go wild, and when the hair-brained scheme fails spectacularly, killing some, denounce your own dupes and call for their prosecution.

    If this were a comedy it would be funny.

    “We condemn it — the president and this administration — in the strongest possible terms. It is unacceptable and those that broke the law should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

  30. Dear Dean. Trump is a world class egoist and one imagines he was excited at the size of the crowd and understood it as his adoring legions coming to worship him and not a rally for Liberty, honor, truthfulness etc.

    He has always been all hat and no cattle and ABS is ashamed to confess he is among millions of men buffaloed by his bluffing, BS ing, and braggadocio because ABS so wanted Trump to be a man of action rather than who he is, a man of acting.

    He leaves the American stage a world class sissy, especially after having his lawyers make all of those charges publicly, and with his incessant tweeting that this fraud would not stand.

    Hell, he even had Mike Pompeo, in November, publicly saying that Trump would still be POTUS come February.

    Bye Bye Trump, go back to wrestling Vince McMahon and living the life of debt so damn large the banks wouldn’t foreclose on you.

  31. Unless it is Art Garfunkel, life imitates art.

    Consider, Trump is channeling Bluto, and, collectively, his supporters are Otter:

    Otter (Tim Matheson): Dead! Bluto’s right. Psychotic, but absolutely right. We gotta take these bastards. Now, we could fight ’em with conventional weapons. That could take years and cost millions of lives. No, in this case, I think we have to go all out. I think this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part.

    We’re just the guys to do it…LET’S DO IT!

  32. ABS – I think I agree. I thought he was a man of action, and now I think I was wrong. The protest was a terrible idea, there was no clear thinking at all, for that and for the whole election investigation. I’ll admit that getting things done when all the gov agencies are plotting against you is difficult – maybe it’s even more difficult than it seems and he really tried? But for sure, while the Dems are emotional childish morons of course, the people pulling their strings are not – they are smart, and no doubt, they spanked the Trump team on this.

  33. Dennis and Johno – Spot on. We need to tend our own garden and stop engaging. Because it’s pointless. The game is rigged.

Parler and the Problem of Escaping Internet Censorship

[Taken from here]

Fri Jan 8, 2021 Daniel Greenfield 106

Back when Parler was first taking off, I warned that its app-based dependency meant that two companies, Apple and Google, can eliminate it anytime they like.

It was only a matter of time.

The transition from desktops and laptops to Android and IOS devices mean that users are operating in a walled garden run by two very lefty companies. Those companies can do with the garden what they please. Those users who choose to jailbreak their devices have more options, but most don’t. Conservatives can try to distribute the knowledge more widely and encourage that kind of self-empowerment. But the bottom line is most smartphone, Kindle, Chromebook, etc users want a simple device that just works and runs all the apps in the app store. Doing anything more complicated would be inconvenient.

People also tend to get their smartphones from one of the handful of remaining providers, e.g. the big three, AT&T, Verizon ,and T-Mobile. You may think you’re not using one of those companies, but even then you’re probably using one of their branded providers or a small company that’s using their services.

That means 5 companies essentially control the mobile ecosystem and can shut down an app like Parler anytime they please. They can also, if they please, shut down access to any site accessed through their browsers. They can also ban any browser from their app store or device that doesn’t shut down access to these sites.

There are potential workarounds, but they all involve escalating levels of difficulty.

And since the trend has moved away from any kind of independent user agency and toward crippled ‘smart’ devices, that’s the battle going forward.

Don’t get the idea that desktops and laptops are safe.

Microsoft is ‘evolving’ toward a walled garden of apps. Redmond being incompetent, it’s messed up multiple opportunities to do so, notably Windows 8, which was a complete disaster. The PC is really only free because Microsoft is incompetent. But Microsoft wants to take a percent from every app installed. And at some point it’s going to shove that into Windows 10 in another update while deliberately breaking Windows 7 under the guise of some sort of urgent emergency threat.

The internet service providers are also narrowing down to a smaller group that’s only going to get smaller which would make it possible for a handful of telecoms to likewise block access to particular sites. There are a lot more workarounds for that scenario, but every workaround limits the potential audience and ghettoizes conservatives.

The conservative movement in the past few years embraced Section 230 abolition. As I warned in the past, threatening to abolish Section 230 is a good form of leverage, but would accomplish very little once it’s done, except reward some rivals like Disney. Antitrust breakups, which the DOJ and Republican states were pushing for, would have done far more. But considering the events of the past few months, that’s a lot less likely to happen. Instead, look for Google and the rest of the boys to «negotiate» a settlement that will see them moving millions into Democrats and lefty groups in exchange for promising not to misbehave. Win-win, as they say.

I’ve laid out the scale of the digital iron curtain only in part. I haven’t even gotten to the problem of services like cloudfront and similar services, and how they can be used to curtail competition. I previously discussed why it’s so hard to launch a rival search engine (there are only two actual search engines, Google and Microsoft’s Bing. DuckDuckGo is cute, but just allows you to search Bing without Microsoft seeing your searches.)

Nor have I even touched on the role played by advertising and payment solutions. Control those and no conservative site is going to be profitable. Meanwhile lefty sites can be awash in cash. It’s not just the internet obviously.

Antitrust action is a partial answer. It’s the biggest one to date. The only other answers are to work around the restrictions, to be rats in the walls, a challenging prospect that will limit the potential audience, or to reimagine the internet, an even more challenging concept. There are some ideas there, but they’ll have to wait for another time.

This is a big problem. It might even be the biggest problem.

The problem isn’t just that Facebook, Twitter, or Google are biased against conservatives. The problem is that the internet is controlled by an increasingly small interconnected network of companies who can act in concert to suppress anyone or anything they don’t like. You can’t just walk in and ‘compete’ with a trust. In the last decade, the Democrats, the media, and Big Tech assembled a rationale, e.g. disinformation, Russian interference, for heavily censoring the internet.

Conservatives were slow to grasp the scale of the threat, to react to it, and to build a plan to fight it. That plan still isn’t fully there. And there’s only so much time.

Night Of The Digital Long Knives

[Taken from here]

Silicon Valley delenda est.

I don’t think anyone except the Silicon Valley oligarchs, who no doubt had this planned well in advance, and Vox Day, who had expected this for some time – expected the whole sale purging of conservative & populist accounts from social media that’s taken place this week. President Trump, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, and General Flynn, to say nothing of such badthinkers as the #WalkAway group on Facebook, have all found their Twitter and Facebook accounts shut down. Not content with that, Apple and Google both dropped the Parler app from their app stores, and to make sure you proles get the message, Amazon Web Services is terminating Parler’s contract as of Sunday, which means they’ll be offline for at least a week while they try to find alternative hosting. I’d be willing to bet that even if they do succeed in finding/building infrastructure to replace what they had on AWS, they’re going to get the same treatment Gab got – people trying to support them with their credit and debit cards will be blocked, hosting services that agree to host them will be pressured to drop them, and every means short of actual physical violence will be used to drive them out of business. For that matter, after the Antifa/BLM riots of this past summer, it wouldn’t surprise me at all to see Cuban-style “divine mobs” used to destroy server farms belonging to companies hosting websites deemed guilty of “sedition”, “incitement”, or whatever excuse people like Maxine Waters want to use.

Daniel Greenfield lays out the obvious part of the problem rather clearly. Control of the Internet, which used to be a flexible network designed to automatically route information around blockages, has now fallen into the grasp of a handful of companies, all of them seemingly eager to institute a Red Chinese social credit system. Conservatives and populists have relied for too long on Section 230 to protect us from exactly the kind of hamfisted behavior that Jack Dorsey, Sundar Pichai, Jeff Bezos, and Tim Cook are engaging in right now. We have a very limited amount of time to find and use alternatives like blogs, e-mail lists, Telegram, Signal, and Gab; we must also build alternative financing structures so the wokerati running Mastercard and Visa can’t cut off the flow of funds. People used to accuse Vox Day of being paranoid when he said these things a few years ago. What’s keeping me awake nights is that Vox might not have been paranoid enough.

Sola Fide

James 2:24-26 NASB



Liturgia temprana

think the earliest liturgy we have recorded is in Justin Martyr’s First Apology, from around AD150. That’s less than 100 years after the Apostles, but it substantially matches the Catholic Liturgy even today. Even the Catechism quotes Justin here because it’s that important. To say that no liturgy can be traced back is to be forced into claiming there is no actual liturgy at all (and thus all worship is purely an invention of men).

