World War 3 for dummies

World War 3 for dummies

By Gaius Baltar for the Saker Blog

Some knowledgeable people, apparently including the Pope, are beginning to suspect that there may be more going on in the world than just the war in the Ukraine. They say that World War 3 has already started and things will get worse from now on. This can be difficult to determine while we are participating in the unfolding events and do not have the benefit of the historical perspective. It is doubtful that people back in 1939 realized that they were looking at the start of a major worldwide conflict, although some may have suspected it.

The current global situation is in many ways like a giant jigsaw puzzle where the general public only sees a tiny part of the complete picture. Most don’t even realize that there may be more pieces and don’t even ask these simple questions: Why is all this happening and why is it happening now?

Things are more complicated than most people realize. What they see is the evil wizard Vladimir Saruman Putin invading innocent Ukraine with his orc army – for absolutely no reason. This is a simplistic view, to say the least because nothing happens without a reason. Let’s put things in perspective and see what is really going on – and why the world is going crazy before our eyes. Let’s see what World War 3 is all about.

The pressure cooker

The West (which we can define here as the US and the EU and a few more) has been maintaining pressure on the entire world for decades. This does not only apply to countries outside the West, but also to Western countries which strayed from the diktats of the West’s rulers. This pressure has been discussed widely and attributed to all kinds of motives, including neocolonialism, forced financial hegemony, and so forth. What is interesting, particularly during the last 20 years, is which countries have been pressured and what they do not have in common.

Among the pressured countries we find Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Libya, Syria, Serbia, Thailand, and Iran to mention a few. There have also been recent additions, including India and Hungary. In order to understand why they have been pressured, we need to find out what they have in common. That’s not easy since they are extremely different in most ways. There are democracies and non-democracies, conservative and communist governments, Christian, Muslim and Buddhist countries, and so on. Still, many of them are very clearly allied. One must ask why conservative and religious countries such as Russia or Iran would ally themselves with Godless communists in Cuba and Venezuela.

What all these countries have in common is their desire to run their own affairs; to be independent countries. This is unforgivable in the eyes of the West and must be tackled by any means necessary, including economic sanctions, color revolutions, and outright military aggression.

The West and its NATO military arm had surrounded Russia with hostile countries and military bases, armed and manipulated Ukraine to be used as a hammer against it, and employed sanctions and threats. The same thing was and is happening in Asia where China is being surrounded by all means available. The same applies to all the Independents mentioned above to some extent. In the past 10 years or so the pressure has increased massively on the Independents and it reached almost a fever pitch in the year before the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.

During the year before the Ukraine war, the US sent its diplomats around the world to tune up the pressure. They were like a traveling circus or a rock band on a tour, but instead of entertainment, they delivered threats: buy this from us and do what we tell you or there will be consequences. The urgency was absolute and palpable, but then came the Ukraine war and the pressure went up to 11. During the first month of the war, the entire West’s diplomatic corps was fully engaged in threats against the ‘rest of the world’ to engineer the isolation of Russia. This didn’t work, which resulted in panic in political and diplomatic circles in the US and Europe.

All this pressure through the years, and all the fear and panic when it didn’t work, are clearly related to the events in the Ukraine. They are a part of the same ‘syndrome’ and have the same cause.

The debt dimension

There have been many explanations for what is going on and the most common is the fight between two possible futures; a multipolar world where there are several power centers in the world, and a unipolar world where the West governs the world. This is correct as far as it goes, but there is another reason which explains why this is happening now and all the urgency and panic in the West.

Recently the New Zealand tech guru Kim Dotcom tweeted a thread about the debt situation in the US. According to him all debt and unfunded liabilities of the US exceed the total value of the entire country, including the land. This situation is not unique to the US. Most countries in the West have debt that can only be paid back by selling the entire country and everything it contains. On top of that, most non-western countries are buried in dollar-denominated debt and are practically owned by the same financiers who own the West.

During the last few decades, the economy of the US and Europe has been falsified on a level that is difficult to believe. We in the West have been living far beyond our means and our currencies have been massively overvalued. We have been able to do this through two mechanisms:

  1. The first one is the reserve status of the dollar and the semi-reserve status of the euro which have enabled the West to export digital money and receive goods in return. This has created enormous financial power for the West and enabled it to function as a parasite on the world economy. We have been getting a lot of goods for free, to put it mildly.
  2. The second falsification mechanism is the increase in debt to a level where we have essentially pawned everything we own, including our houses and lands, to keep up our living standards. We own nothing now when the debt has been subtracted. The debt has long since become unserviceable – far beyond our ability to pay interests on – which explains why the interest rates in the West are in the neighborhood of zero. Any increase would make the debt unserviceable and we would all go formally bankrupt in a day.

On top of all this, the falsification has created artificially strong currencies in the West which has boosted their purchasing power for goods priced in non-western currencies. These mechanisms have also enabled the West to run bloated and dysfunctional service economies where inefficiencies are beyond belief. We have giant groups of people in our economies that not only create no value but destroy value systematically. What maintains the West’s standard of living now is a small minority of productive people, constant debt increase, and parasitism of the rest of the world.

The people who own all this debt actually own everything we think we own. We in the West own nothing at this point – we only think we do. But who are our real owners? We know more or less who they are because they meet every year at the World Economic Forum in Davos along with the western political elites who they also happen to own.

It is clear that our owners have been getting increasingly worried, and their worries have been increasing in sync with the increased pressure applied by the West on the rest of the world, particularly the Independents. During the last Davos meeting, the mood was bleak and panicked at the same time, much like the panic among the western political elites when the isolation of Russia failed.

What is about to happen

The panic of our owners and their politicians is understandable because we have come to the end of the line. We can no longer keep up our living standards by debt increase and parasitism. The debt is reaching beyond what we own as collateral and our currencies are about to become worthless. We will no longer be able to get free stuff from the rest of the world, or pay back our debt – let alone pay interest on it. The entire West is about to go bankrupt and our standard of living is about to go down by a massive percentage. This is what has our owners panicked and they see only two scenarios:

  1. In the first scenario most countries in the West, and everything and everyone within them, declare bankruptcy and erase the debt by diktat – which sovereign states are able to do. This will also erase the wealth and political power of our owners.
  2. In the second scenario, our owners take over the collateral during the bankruptcy. The collateral is us and everything we own.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out which scenario was chosen. The plan for the second scenario is ready and being implemented as we speak. It is called ‘The Great Reset’ and was constructed by the people behind the World Economic Forum. This plan is not a secret and can be examined to a certain degree on the WEF website.

The Great Reset is a mechanism for the seizing of all debt collateral which includes your assets, the assets of your city or municipality, the assets of your state, and most corporate assets not already held by our owners.

This asset seizure mechanism has several components, but the most important are the following four:

  1. Abolishment of sovereignty: A sovereign (independent) country is a dangerous country because it can choose to default on its debt. The decrease in sovereignty has been a priority for our owners and various schemes have been attempted such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The most successful scheme is undoubtedly the European Union itself.
  2. The down-tuning of the economy: The western economy (and indeed the global economy) must be tuned down by a very significant percentage. This down-tuning is necessary because the western economy is massively falsified now and must be taken down to its real level – which may be as low as half of what it is now – or more. The slow takedown has also the purpose of avoiding a sudden crash that would cause massive social unrest which would be a threat to our owners. A controlled takedown is therefore preferable to an uncontrolled crash. This controlled takedown is already happening and has been going on for quite some time. Many examples can be mentioned of this takedown, including the EU and US energy policy which is designed to sabotage the western economy, and the obvious attempts at demand destruction during and after the epidemic, including the fairly bizarre logistical problems which suddenly came out of nowhere.
  3. Asset harvesting (you will own nothing and be ‘happy’): All assets that can be considered to be collateral to our private and collective/public debt will be taken over. This is a clearly stated aim of the Great Reset but it is less clear how this would be carried out. Total control of western governments (and indeed all governments) would seem to be necessary for this. That precondition is closer than one might think because most western governments seem to be beholden to Davos at this point. The process will be sold as necessary social restructuring because of an economic crisis and global warming and will result in a massive decrease in living standards for regular people, although not the elites.
  4. Oppression: A great many people will not like this and an uprising is a likely response, even if the takedown is done gradually. To prevent this from happening, a social control mechanism is being implemented which will erase personal freedom, the freedom of speech, and privacy. It will also create absolute dependence of the individual on the state. This must be done before the economic takedown can be completed or there will be a revolution. This mechanism is already being implemented enthusiastically in the West as anybody with eyes and ears can see.

Russia, China, and other Independents

How do Russia and China, and the war in Ukraine, factor into all of this? Why all the pressure from the West throughout the years and why all this panic now? Part of the reason for the pressure on the Independents, particularly Russia and China, is simply that they have resisted western hegemony. That is enough for getting on the West’s naughty list. But why the increased pressure in recent years?

The reason is that Russia and China cannot be subjugated through bankruptcy and their assets harvested. They do not have much debt in western currencies which means that the people who own the West through debt do not currently own Russia and China (like they own the West and the indebted ‘third world’) and cannot acquire them through debt. The only way to acquire them is through regime change. Their governments must be weakened by any means, including economic sanctions and military means if necessary -thus the use of Ukraine as a battering ram for Russia and Taiwan for China.

Subjugating Russia and China is an existential issue for our Davos owners because when they take the western economy down, everything else must go down too. If the western economy is taken down and a large economic block doesn’t participate in the downfall, it will be a disaster for the West. The new block will gain massive economic power, and possibly unipolar hegemony of sorts, while the West descends into a feudal Dark Age and irrelevance. Therefore the entire world must go down for the Great Reset to work. Russia and China must be subjugated by any means, as well as India and other stubborn nations.

This is what has fueled the situation we now find ourselves in and will fuel the continuation of World War 3. The western owner-elites are going to war to keep their wealth and power. Everyone who resists must be subjugated so they can follow the West into the planned Great Reset Dark Age.

The reason for the current panic among western elites is that the Ukraine project isn’t going as planned. Instead of Russia being bled on the battlefield, it is Ukraine and the West that bleed. Instead of the Russian economy crashing resulting in Putin’s replacement by a Davos-compatible leader, it is the West’s economy that is crashing. Instead of Russia being isolated, it is the West that is being increasingly isolated. Noting is working, and to top it all off, Europe has given the Russians the means and motive to destroy the European economy by partly shutting down its industry. Without Russian resources, there is no European industry, and without industry, there are no taxes for paying for unemployment benefits, pensions, all the refugees, and pretty much everything else which holds European societies together. The Russians now have the ability to engineer an uncontrolled crash in Europe which is not what Davos planned. An uncontrolled crash might see Davos’s heads roll, literally, and that is causing fear and panic in elite circles. The only solution for them is to move on with World War 3 and hope for the best.

What to do

The Great Reset of the world economy is the direct cause of World War 3 – assuming that is what is going on. What can be done about this? From inside the West, little can be done. The only way is to somehow remove Davos from the equation, but that is most likely not going to happen for two reasons: The first one is that the Davos great resetters are too entwined in the western economy and politics. Davos is like an octopus with its arms and suckers inside every country’s elite circles, media, and government. They are too entrenched to be easily removed. The second reason is that the western population is too brainwashed and ignorant. The level of their brainwashing is such that a large part of them actually want to become poor – although they use the word ‘green’ for ‘poor’ because it sounds better. There are, however, some indications that there may be divisions within western elites. Some of them, particularly within the US, may be resisting the primarily Europe-designed Great Reset – but whether this opposition is real or effective remains to be seen.

However, outside the West, there are certain measures that can be taken and must be taken. Some of those measures are drastic and some of them are being done as we speak. Among the measures are the following:

  1. The Independents, led by Russia, China, and India, must create a block to isolate themselves from the radioactive West. This isolation must not only be economic, but also political and social. Their economic systems must be divorced from the West and made autonomous. Their cultures and history must be defended against western influences and revisionism. This process appears to be underway.
  2. The Independents must immediately ban all western sponsored institutions and NGOs in their countries, regardless of whether they are sponsored by western states or individuals. Furthermore, they must ban all media receiving western sponsorship and strip every school and university of western sponsorship and influence.
  3. They must leave all international institutions up to and possibly including the United Nations because all international bodies are controlled by the West. They must then replace them with new institutions within their block.
  4. They must, at some point, declare the dollar and the euro currencies non grata. That means that they should declare default on all debts denominated in these currencies, but not other debts. This will most likely come at a later stage but is inevitable.

This will create a situation where the West will descend into darkness without pulling others down with it – if we manage to escape the nuclear fire.

The Essential Saker IV: Messianic Narcissism's Agony by a Thousand Cuts
The Essential Saker IV: Messianic Narcissism’s Agony by a Thousand Cuts
The Essential Saker II
The Essential Saker III: Chronicling The Tragedy, Farce And Collapse of the Empire in the Era of Mr MAGA


    • Indeed, a lucid, comprehensive and welcome explanation, but perhaps with one modification to its reasoning about the inability “inside the West” for any corrective acrtion …

      The only way is to somehow remove Davos from the equation, but that is most likely not going to happen for two reasons: The first one is that the Davos great resetters are too entwined in the western economy and politics. […] They are too entrenched to be easily removed. The second reason is that the western population is too brainwashed and ignorant.

      I think I’d be inclined to reverse the order of those reasons, although it must be admitted that the brainwashing has had a very significant impact on the ignorance.

    • Well, look on the bright side! We are not about to be invaded by the Huns or the Mongols; the Inquisition is not about to burn us alive for being too intelligent or having too much money for peasants; we have not been captured by the Gestapo in order to be questioned for knowledge we do not have. Nor are we staked out for ants, or being devoured by piranha.

      Things could be worse. And they probably will.

      • True enough in many respects, but how could things be worse than having the options we’re facing, options we’ve been aware of since the 1970s? Somehow, let’s say, against impossible odds, “the people” rise up and overthrow their elite overlords…only to continue, perhaps even “improve” and more democratize, a rapacious way of life that is killing the ecosystem upon which all life depends. One need not swallow in whole the climate change narrative, given that the earth’s climate is a rather complex affair. No, one need only notice, for example, that it’s no longer necessary to stop every few hours to scrape bugs off the windshield during a roadtrip and then look into the precarious state of the insect population, intrinsic to the health and survival of all species. This is but one example of the escalating and self-defeating consumption of the natural environment by a hyper-individualized consumer society. If our only choices are between a Davos world a dead one, it’s not a difficult call, is it? Yet few these days are delineating and demanding a viable third option, as Fritz Schumacher and others were doing when the sustainability issue, upon which all else hinges, first reared its ugly head.

        • Yeah, the lack of bugs on the windshield screams disaster. I’ve really noticed it in the last decade for sure in the USA Midwest. Summer 21′ there was literally single digits of bug on the windshield and this year there seems to be a pickup in numbers but still not like the “old days”.
          I don’t know about people “rising up” to take down the elite unless a good % of the military and police are on board. Without them we would have to “rise down” and get off their “program”. Not easy but individuals are making an attempt. A substantial part are the world’s “over population” may well be the subsidizing of many “unproductive” to gain their vote or allegiance. Chemical farming kills off many bugs as it boosts yield of marginal nutrition foods to feed the “voters”. It used to be that you had to own something to vote. My view for years is that “honest money” that can’t be printed from thin air would go a long way towards establishing a proper balance of ecology and population #’s. That’s “tough love” I know, but if you can’t support em’, don’t have em”. I grew up on a 200 acre dairy, beef, hog, chickens, cereal crop, fruits, vegetables, etc farm where the fertilizer came out of the south end of our animals and we rotated crops to maintain balance in the soil. When we tilled, planted etc, birds fell in behind our machines, horses, to get the worms and bugs. There are no birds behind the mega farm machines now as there is nothing to eat. That “organic” farm of ours raised 11 kids who all went on to be productive humans.
          Russia and friends seem to be offering that 3rd option as honest money representing real value with commodity backing is an alternative. “PPP” Purchasing Power Parity of the Ruble gives a better representation of worth than the $’s “GDP” #’s which actually represent “Gross Domestic SPENDING” with fake money.
          Macron of France said something stupid like “We should try not to humiliate Russia”. Personally I think Putin is in a position to humiliate the “West” but knows that is dangerous when dealing with unstable folks with nukes.
          I once heard that diplomacy is the art of “telling someone to go to hell, and they look forward to the trip”. I think Putin, Lavrov, and company have brought it to a level of art.

        • “This is but one example of the escalating and self-defeating consumption of the natural environment by a hyper-individualized consumer society. If our only choices are between a Davos world a dead one, it’s not a difficult call, is it?”
          Ever stop to think that the escalating and self defeating consumption by a hyper individualized consumer society is a direct result of the Davos types and their insatiable hunger for wealth, power and control? Who has been pushing the fragmentation of the family unit? Who is the major benefactor of the central bank debt system and has been for generations? Who gains most from the engineered obsolesence consumerist digital cage the plebs have been socially shaped to crave?

        • Thus far I have only spent time in two places that had 5G service, but what stood out was the lack of birds in these places. In one of these, I could hear crows in a forest, not too far away, but at this park overlooking the sea, there were no birds, whereas in the past there had been plenty. In the second of these, I have spent several hours thus far collecting data for the BRAG Project–citizen monitoring of radio-frequency radiation. I very rarely see a bird or two passing through the area. A couple hundred meters from the station with 5G, urban bird life can be seen. A couple of weeks ago, I counted about 20 kinds of flowers in bloom, including daisies that normally attract pollinators, but on one side of the street I saw no insects whatsoever, one small spider with an empty web, and on the other side of the street, a couple of ants and a few aphids on a weed. That was what I found in a half hour of searching after an hour of RFR monitoring. A few hundred meters from the station, insect life started to return and looked fairly normal 500 meters away in a forested park. Near the station, I could see beams above the shops where swallows would have roosted in the past. I could not find a single swallow in that city now. The town that I live near has 4G but not 5G, and it still has its swallows and a fair number of pollinators, though not as many as before.
          Diana Kordas has documented the loss of insects and other creatures on the Greek Island of Samos upon the introduction of 5G:
          5G is so central to the Great Reset that any criticism of it is censored, and the people whose health has been impacted by RFR have faced the indignity of ridicule and gaslighting. To be honest, I fear the Great Reset even more than a nuclear winter.

      • Yes, that’s rather good! My own comforting thoughts include the fact that, unlike our grandfathers, no one is ordering us to charge down German machine guns. These days all they want is to steal everything we have, then we’ll all go up together! Super!!

  1. Thank you for this post. I’ve for the past few years contemplated what the common driver for the escalating madness of the western world could be. WW3 ongoing, mainly covertly in cyberspace causing infrastructure and industrial “accidents”, but with Afghanistan, Syria and Ukraine as some old-school manifestations, seems a low odds guess. A slightly higher odds, but not exclusive, is use of immature AI to assist in geopolitical decisions, or maybe even psychopathic AI having become sentient. Lower odds would be living in a simulation, or aliens having taken control of our planet. 10 years ago I was sure about what to believe in and not. Now all I know is thing are seriously broken, and it has been done deliberately.

    • Strange, within the American society there is a Biblical remnant of a few very brilliant minds without whom the world would be so much poorer. As an adult African, I have things that I very much respect about the American/European systems. A great deal of progress has been made by these systems over the centuries to advance the welfare and prosperity of mankind but sadly in their midst the proverbial ‘new Pharaoh has emerged who knew not Joseph’ and all that we are seeing is apostacy of the worst kind. Putin in his remarks on the 17th June did mention it that he has some respect for the American people to some extent. I agree.

        • @chunga, what “popular demand”? The brainwashed with yellow and light blue flags saying they will accept hunger and cold in the name of helping NAZIS because Putin is “the new Hitler”, so “we need more NATO”?

          The same people that pay to see movies where they’re told USA saved us from Hitler, and USSR was just a detail (as bad as Hitler) that could have made us all prisoners in gulags, as it is stated now in EUropean law?
          What “popular demand”?

          The ones that applied ZERO sanctions to the Iraq/Afghanistan invaders? And instead are now available to be poorer while paying more (up to 2% GDP) for NATO?

          Don’t be naive, there’s absolutely no “popular demand” when people reach this level pf brainwasing. The current europeans are at the same level of North Koreans or the German people in 1939…

          Palestine has been suffering a holocaust for decades, and thanks to propaganda most “popular demand” still call Israel a “democracy” and are happy to send then weapons to kill “Gaza terrorists”.

          Most “popular demand”, after 20 years of War Crimes in Afghanistan, didn’t demand the end of the invasion nor demanded any sanctions against USA. Instead, they cried AGAINST the end of the occupation “because now feminism is over in Kabul”.

          The “popular demand” that made racist jokes and forced Greece to get 25% poorer (and I’ll never forget what those racist ignorant central/nordic europeans also did against Portugal, threatening sanctions in 2016 because of 0.1% of deficit…) and still supports the currency DICTATORSHIP that made Europe stagnate for 20 years, and accepted austerity, and fewer rights, etc?
          If the Eurozone crisis had happened in a real continent with a living population (instead of brainwashed zombies) the EU would be over in 2012!!! Instead, europeans accepted all the lies and attacks from the ruling Davos elite.

          The “popular demand” that called “extremist” to the Gillet Jaunes, sent the police to attack with FASCIST violence (some people lost their eyes due to rubber bullets), and instead of chosing progress, elected TWICE the Rothschild bankster called Macron?!

          This is crazy! This has no cure! Europe is the obedient colony of The Empire of Lies! It will only change when it economically implodes with no chance of recovery, or is militarilly defeated.
          Since I live in Europe, and since there are no longer good options, then I prefer the 1st option (instead of war): complete economical colapse and the implosion of the € and EU dictatorship.
          Something new can only grow in the Spring, if the rotten has already fallen…

          I envy the courage of the Chileans that revolted to put an end to the Pinochetist constitution. I envy the bravery of Bolivians that put an end to the Fascist/NeoLiberal coup in just 1 yeat. I envy the heart of the Cubans that still don’t give up resisting after so many decades of terrorist blockade. I envy the soul of the Palestinians that still endure under Apartheid/slow genocide. But unfortunately I’m almost alone in a continent of brainwashed weaklings that accept (and some even compliment) the Davos/Washington reign of terror.

          Do you know what the “popular demand” will be this year? To see how good Tom Cruise and USArmy “freedom planes” are in the new Military Industrial Complex ad made in Hollywood/Netflix. They will even pay to see this 2 hour ad…
          And when leaving the movie theater they will comment: “thank god for USA/NATO to help us defend our values and spread democracy all over the World, those planes were so cool. I wish I could also bomb muslims/africans/russians/chinese/etc. It really is a good thing that Assange was arrested for saying bad things about these heroes”.

          There’s no mental institution capable of handling this! And there’s no “popular demand” once the brainwashing propaganda reaches this level.

          • You very well could be right Carlos. I could be Pollyanna. All the things you describe are cumulative and once people are cold and hungry, needlessly, I am hopeful this will focus their attention on reality because there will be nowhere to escape from it.

            Here in the States I have yet to encounter one single person who has the slightest idea what Minsk is, and when I try to explain it, ears slam shut. They don’t want to hear it. But they may have to before long.

            This is a very interesting time to be alive and in my opinion we are going to see either a great reset or a great awakening. One or the other.

      • No, you guys got yourselves in trouble with Germany, two times, all by yourselves. And any number of places before going broke and passing the terror mantle to the USA. What’s that saying about two thrives requiring a hand in each other’s pocket. Fits the bill.

        Cheers M

  2. This is a very thought-provoking essay, which describes in simple words one of the main under-currents of present-day geopolitics. No wonder some well-known people are whining about the end of “our” civilization! I have always wondered whether “our” includes common people — or it refers only to the 0.01% money-monsters? It is “their” civilization, is it not?

    How these greedy money-monsters must fear and hate Russia and China!

    • One only has to know the ‘right’ basics who pose itself as a question from the openly stated mantra at every UN-Session:

      The West wants the World to be governed by the RULES based order.

      Rules are made by rulers.

      There is one self acclaimed sociological entity which claims to have been ordered by their god, not to take interest from each other but from those they conquer, whose sole reason of existence to be to serve them, the rulers – or in a short catchy phrase: “The Biblical Project”, everyone can read it plainly in the old Testament. Nothing new here at all, not one jota !
      The Elite : Mass System must and will fall now, because it’s becoming a nuisance for God (who allows much, as long it does not interfere with his plans), take note to the word “god” of the self acclaimed is written small, because he is only a demon, God himself has to order no one via script, but instead by his will alone (and it’s manifestations), and obviously it was his will to give a large amount of allowance of freedom of action for this species – not without reason but with subtle thought…

      Time for a new chapter is ripe now, and it will happen.

  3. Good article.
    I still don’t understand one simple fact.
    If Davos is that openly hostile forum, what is stopping China and Russia from directly mentioning it in their media?
    If they are fighting a real war, words can’t possibly make it worse.

  4. Russia and India teaming up with the great communist facist China to oppose the great facist West. What could go wrong? Instead, sovereignty on the individual, family,community,town,municipality,provincial,country levels should be fought for and reclaimed. At least start with individual and family.

    • See, this is where the trouble lies. Most people in the West truly know nothing about geopolitics. For instance, China is not communist. And in fact, there has never been a truly communist country. China is a Capitalist Socialist society and has been since Mao.

      Not even DPRK is communist. They are Juche and have been since the 70’s. What is Juche? It is a system where the government truly operates for the benefit of the people, not the oligarchy.

      And for those people saying that Russia and China aren’t confronting the Davos situation….they have been doing that for a very long time. 87% of the world’s population is not on the side of the West, but on the side of Russia and China. Over 145 countries belong to BRI, 5 major countries belong to BRICS, and 10 countries belong to ASEAN, and more are joining or approaching one of these collaborations to join. Saudi Arabia is one. Iran just signed a deal this week to supply fruits, veggies, and construction materials for the trillion dollar Russian rebuilding project in Donbass.

      India and China are literally taking all the LNG and oil that Russia is not selling to the West/EU.

      Gasprom CEO just this week told the West and EU that the game is over. And it is.

  5. The West cannot afford to lose in Ukraine.

    The only way it has a chance of winning is by using nuclear weapons.

    The West (US) has a track record of using nuclear weapons to maintain its hegemony.

    Therefore the US will resort to nuclear weapons rather than admit defeat.

  6. “something strange, ‘suspect going on!”

    I would think it all started with 9/11? That and the Oklahoma bombings. From those days forward an element of evil, true evil took over. and the lies and coverups what is it that is being covered up exactly, is, or if known would surely be the trigger. A matter of which quite strongly I believe has grabbed the attention of our God by way of Divine Communication in the form of crop circles and climate change!!

    We have provoked God…

    • @Gerry

      US military aggression started long before nein eleven.

      Consider the carpet bombing of North Korea in 1954.

      And the the destruction of Vietnam killing 3 million of its men women and children 1960 -75, plus more in Laos and Cambodia, expanded using the Gulf of Tonkin lie by President Johnson.

        • Okay you guys lets look at it that way! The political murders assassinations in American history is without precedent for sure. why is it that anyone who tries to do the right thing politically in America winds up dead and yes Kapricorn4 it started a long time ago. nein eleven though the further one goes down the rabbit hole the more astounding it becomes. Without today’s high tech there would have been much more devastation perhaps even the flooding of the entire city. For me though it is that Icestorm of the Century that is extremely important. Why? It prevented the destruction by a few years having stopped dead cold the workers work. I know this because it is what the good book teaches in Job. I firmly believe that with that rental truck bombing someone wanted those towers destroyed before the turn of the Millennium. If that had actually occurred parts of the world would be a smoldering ruin yes? That Icestorm was a godsend.

          chapter 37

          God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways;
          he does great things beyond our understanding.
          He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’
          and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’
          So that everyone he has made may know his work,
          he stops all people from their labor!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

          The breath of God produces ice,
          and the broad waters become frozen!!!!
          He loads the clouds with moisture;
          he scatters his lightning through them.
          At his direction they swirl around
          over the face of the whole earth
          to do whatever he commands them.
          He brings the clouds to punish people,
          or to water his earth and show his love.

          Go back and study that icestorm and ask yourselves if these words don’t explain what occurred there?

          That and God can be observed to exist after all. It’s called climate change. verse 13

          • Came close, close enough to really ruffle feather’s!
            Trump fired quite a few, jeez, are any left of a US tradition?
            Bannon resides at a European Abbey, Humanitae Dignitas, so where does this guy come from?

            Epicenter is D.C.!

    • Trying going back to Dallas, Texas in 1963 for that’s where it all begin, the killing of a popular people’s president which perhaps will never come around again. Done by agencies within the government so they could take control which they did, and the country has never been the same since.

  7. Great measures for outside the West to take mentioned in the end of this good article, especially the second is very very important because this is just an invisible cancer which is now killing the West.

  8. “Instead of Russia being bled on the battlefield, it is Ukraine and the West that bleed. Instead of the Russian economy crashing resulting in Putin’s replacement by a Davos-compatible leader, it is the West’s economy that is crashing. Instead of Russia being isolated, it is the West that is being increasingly isolated”.

    That is what happens when a chess amateur with an IQ of 110 plays a grandmaster with an IQ of 190. The game may be long or short, and it may end in a quick checkmate or a prolonged endgame; but the outcome is certain.

    • Tom, “That is what happens when a chess amateur with an IQ of 110 plays a grandmaster with an IQ of 190”.

      I’d say that this is what happens when a tiddly winks playing retard with an IQ of 80 plays a chess grandmaster with an IQ of 190.

  9. News travels a bit slowly to the Battlestar Galatica realm Gaius….the resistance has already implemented 1-4 to varying degrees and the West is already isolated from a much more powerful bloc. This was the message Putin delivered yesterday. So the game of squeezing everyone is over. The options left to the West are not good:

    a) Push China into Taiwan–this will happen shortly as Xi as already signed a decree authorizing “special military operations” akin to what is happening with Russia in Ukraine and the US Senate is moving forward with a bill to authorize sending $4.5 billion per year to augment Taiwan’s military. The US doesn’t have the $4.5 billion and China will nip this in the bud before year’s end. The West will sanction China, and therefore be cut off from manufacturing, lose almost all microchip manufacturing capacity in the process, and much of the rate Earth elements necessary to power an industrial civilization. That’s game over.
    b) Provoke Russia et al. into nuclear war. This is idiocy and madness. It will be over in a few hours and there will be nothing left of the West. Russia has already demonstrated to Davos et al. that they can send hypersonic deep into their rat holes and end them if they think this scenario will save them.
    c) Surrender. This is basically where we’re at. Think of the collective Western elite as the Azov battalion in Mariupol. They are surrounded and there is nothing at all they can do at this juncture to change that situation. They are holding the civilians of the West hostage, as human shields. They are making all sorts of nonsense proclomations, threats, irrational terms of surrender (we will surrender if you surrender to us first), and otherwise denying reality. But they have no cards left to play. To paraphrase Lavrov’s recent comments to the BBC, no one cares what the West thinks or says anymore.

    Even accepting being restricted to their little zone of influence–North America (separated by a wall from Mexico), Europe east to pre-NATO borders, and Australia/NZ–in the hopes they will rise to defeat the world again is a non-starter. Once they are cut off from manufacturing, energy and resources, there is no rebuilding to fight another day. There is devolution into primitive status. Generations of intentionally making their populations idiots, poisoning them and encouraging them not to breed necessarily means the human capital will be gone. Especially since anyone who can will escape to multipolar side of the world.

    The other issue, which you allude to, is that the elites are going to have their heads on pikes soon in the West. They have fomented civil war in the US, will be unable to disarm the faction that distrusts the elites, and they will eventually prevail (if splintering the US and Canada in the process). Europe? We’ve seen how nasty Europeans can be in times of civil war. When the lights go off, the food is no longer on the shelves, etc. people will find ways into those bunkers in Switzerland and they will rip the elites apart. So there is unlikely to be any reign even over the smaller remnants of empire.

    The many centuries of a global rule by an inbred, depraved elite is coming to a close. We will collectively go through some terrible times, but the Great Reset is, ironically, going to be the rulers of the past centuries being reset and the world being allowed to finally flourish without these Malthusian Luciferian monsters holding everyone back.

    • The collective West is just “Animal Farm” of steroids. The pigs cannot be replaced as they dominate all facets of Western society. Besides, the military and security forces maintain control over the population much like what was described in the “Angola Variant” used to describe the USSR system by RFE propaganda media.

      I hesitate to go down the rabbit hole of nuclear war and the subsequent “nuclear winter”. Be prepared.

    • G’day Krungle,

      Thanks for your views.

      I agree that the end is nigh for the Khazarian Mafia [KM] (however described) and their minions and enablers.
      I also agree that if, as seems likely, the KM manage to use ‘nukes’ on Russians, their global response will end the conflict within a few hours.

      Then, as you put it, ‘the global rule by an inbred, depraved elite’ will cease.
      IMHO, the collective terrible times our world will then experience will be quickly curtailed by forces that have worked for decades in Russia, China, the US and elsewhere to eliminate the demonic KM scourge that has almost destroyed this planet and her inhabitants. After all, if we can GROK the situation why would we assume that many others have not?

      A moment’s reflection indicates that the current dominance and control by Russia and China and their allies has been developing for decades and is not merely the result of recent errors by the KM. Nor could that dominance have arisen without covert assistance from a vital segment of the US leadership and population. The Saker and the members of ‘the Saker community’ aren’t the only ‘wise ones’ in the US.

      Moreover, the problems generated by the ignorance and apathy of most of the global population that has allowed this near death experience of the planet and her inhabitants to occur will also cease with the demise of the KM et al. Why? Because the huge zombified (soulless) segment of the global population and the huge number of other individuals whose cognitive dissonance* prevents them from GROKING the truth about our new environment, but who haven’t succumbed to the lethal ministrations of the global medical cartel etc, will be removed to other places to continue their incarnations.

      * Arguably cognitive dissonance also affects those who believe that the featherless bipeds on this planet are the smartest (and only?) rational beings in the cosmos and that we can’t live on any of the other trillions of planets therein.

  10. – The panic of our owners and their politicians is understandable because we have come to the end of the line. We can no longer keep up our living standards by debt increase and parasitism.

    My analysis was the Swiss are in the strongest position as world move into famine. But strong state countries like France and Germany is also OK.

    UK’s total debt is 700% of GDP, vs. more like 100% in Russia.
    That does not make Russia strong any more than Ceaușescu’s Romania was “strong” because Romania was debt free.
    UK’s total debt is 700% of GDP is telling us how much money they create in UK, and Russia’s total debt of 100%(guesswork) is telling us how little money they create in Russia. Eastern Siberia will be like Alaska at the time of Klondike?

      • Source:
        – Instead, shelves would be full of potatoes, baked goods and local vegetables. More milk would be consumed fresh, rather than being used for cheese – and all available meadows would be used to produce milk.

        That was about a worse than WWII scenario. “Famine” is not about all roads being blocked, but about food scarcity and inflated prices

        Tax level 36%
        Income per capita PPP
        Lowest 10% $51300

        or 15 times China level, or 8 times Israeli level

    • You should have stopped writing after the first paragraph. Unfortunately you didn’t and what you have written thereafter is nonsense unworthy of this outstanding article by Gaius Baltar.

      France and especially Germany are rapidly nearing a total collapse. They are certainly not ‘OK’ and neither is Switzerland nor any other western country.

      Russia’s total debt, what ever you mean by that, is much, much lower than 100% of GDP and comparing Russia to Romania, I mean, this is your ‘analysis’?

    • G’day Kjell,

      The money meme is a demonic concept used to enslave us physically and psychologically. Money is not necessary to human life. It is used to facilitate the exchange of goods and services but is not intrinsically necessary for that or any other purpose. Societies that enthrone fiat money as essential to their existence forgo their sovereignty to those who provide it.

      Human life and society is sustained by human ingenuity and labour used in relation to available physical resources provided by the planet. In other words human efforts acting upon the planet’s resources are what create value. Money does not. Moreover fiat money is merely a convenience mechanism. Money only has value IF it is actually a physical item (akin to barter); OR if people pretend that a fiat currency token has value. In the latter case the value is chimerical. In effect, fiat currency is unbacked by any physical resource and has no value.

      The suggestion that fiat currency is backed by the faith and credit of the nation really means it is accepted because governments use their monopoly on force and violence to unlawfully require subservient populations to accept it.

      Debts allegedly owed to private banking corporations by individuals and nations are a figment of the imagination. Nations can and should issue their own money and currency usury-free. Debts have been fraudulently and unlawfully arranged by private corporations using the credit and credulity of governments and populations. Such debts are null and void, ab initio.

      Banks actually provide borrowers with nothing other than electronic digits created by key strokes on computers. Moreover, they only do that, AFTER the borrower has pledged his/her/its credit in writing. Also, many housing mortgage contracts include provisions enabling the lender to change a fundamental contract condition, i.e. the interest rate, at any time at its discretion. That invalidates the contract in any event.
      That is happening now and is one of the reasons for the global financial crash that is occurring.

      Sovereign nations can, should and will abrogate fraudulently created unlawful debts in the near future.

  11. Well analyzed. Especially this part nails it: “The only way is to somehow remove Davos from the equation, but that is most likely not going to happen for two reasons: The first one is that the Davos great resetters are too entwined in the western economy and politics. Davos is like an octopus with its arms and suckers inside every country’s elite circles, media, and government. They are too entrenched to be easily removed. The second reason is that the western population is too brainwashed and ignorant. The level of their brainwashing is such that a large part of them actually want to become poor – although they use the word ‘green’ for ‘poor’ because it sounds better.”

    As a person living among irreversibly brainwashed Westerners I can tell from first hand experience that above characterization of the Western liberal mob is correct. They would rather die “green” (yet having two holidays with14h flights to some exoctic country to then complain about palm oil farms in Thailand) then pull their head aut of their arses.

  12. From inside the West, little can be done. The only way is to somehow remove Davos from the equation, but ..

    What if say, Iran, were to obliterate the next meeting at its location with some drone/missile combination, as a reprisal for the martyrdom of Soleimani?

    just hypothetically

    • On the other hand, there is the risk of creating a bunch of martyrs from all those psychopaths.

      Maybe better, a long in-depth war crimes trial, with indictments, such that none of those tentacles and sucker arms can travel overseas without risking arrest and incarceration. Start with any individuals captured from the Ukrainian molecular biology labs.

      Include Europe in the bloc — Davos participants will be required to meet in Jackson Hole or Edmonton if they wish to avoid arrest.

  13. Great piece . Very insightful. My humble 2cts is that both China and Russia are in on it . They are too working with the Davos crowd…but seemingly agst it. This is the ‘false opposition’ set up again. The West is responsible for taking down the West whilst China /Russia / India are given the same task for the East . All are working on the same agenda. When I see China etc leave the supranational organisations like IMF, WTO , etc then maybe there is hope …until then it’s a case of wwii where Russia and US split Europe for their benefit. And sold weapons and false promises to their peoples.

    • “My humble 2cts is that both China and Russia are in on it.”

      My suggestion would be that you read Henry Ford’s International Jew for some larger insight into what’s happening today, on this effervescent endless war planet. If you’ll notice, the so-called western economies have been taken over by billionaires. There’s no free market here, and is more akin to the totalitarian control the jews set up in former communist countries. Look at each nation, and see all that have allowed the creation of mass amounts of wealth and control into the hands of the (((few billionaires))) and their jesuit sidekicks, and then you’ll understand the take down isn’t limited to a few countries. It’s pretty much worldwide. Russia is 5th on the list with the most billionaires, and china is second. See the beast for yourself.

  14. – Instead of the Russian economy crashing resulting in Putin’s replacement by a Davos-compatible leader, it is the West’s economy that is crashing. Instead of Russia being isolated, it is the West that is being increasingly isolated.

    It is a good question that is fomulated here. Personally I tend to believe what matters is not Ukraine, but whether the Liberals are defeated in US, and thereby the return of the Trumpistas … now Elon Muskistas.

    A Chinese-Russian invasion of US may not be stoppet before they reach Blue states highland?

  15. The financial factor is a significant factor for implementing the Great Reset. However, it is not the only one, for there is a confluence of reasons. I have discussed them in great detail in the Cafe from the beginning of the “pandemic”. Back then, there were only a few of us here that knew what was really happening, while the rest continued to comment on traditional geopolitics. What the author fails to mention is that stripping us of all our assets won’t be enough to service the current debt. At this point, the crisis is beyond their control. Hence the need for depopulation. The reason the western people are the primary target is because we comprise the vast majority of global consumption and only a small part of the planets population. Having said that, the first intended victims will be Africa, the ME, and parts of Asia (as Michael Hudson explained in his most recent article that was posted here). Currently their is a debate among the alt media regarding the role Russia and China play in this plan. I don’t think there is enough information available right now to draw any definitive conclusions. Only time will tell-as it always does. Thus, conjecture and speculation will continue as we search for clues and answers. I believe that the global economy is so intertwined that an ambitious attempt, even by a block of nations, to insulate itself via isolation is unfortunately an untenable endeavor. In addition, we see similar measure applied by China and Russia for control of is citizens vis a vis mandatory vaccines, social credit systems, biometric IDs, draconian lockdowns, etc. As I mentioned, since global capitalism is so integrated, the billionaire class (global oligarchy) doe not see nor believe in national borders as they have no real loyalty to their respective countries. That is why they head sura-national corporations and organizations. There is competition as expected and that is why there is a real conflict between the East and the West. They are fighting for dominance within the same system. This intended system of technocracy is what needs to be emphasized in order to avoid confusion and in to “know they enemy”.

    • – The reason the western people are the primary target is because we comprise the vast majority of global consumption and only a small part of the planets population.

      The reason the western people are the primary target is because they will support a new American revolution, and the opposite for Chinese, and women. All defence secretaries in West should be women deep state has concluded?
      The eathquake was Trump becoming elected president 2016

    • There it starts again.

      I’m going to say it straight. The Americans and many of the west are so fearful of dealing with their own circumstances and face their own complicity, that they have to bring the multi-polar world in (and they don’t have the knowledge to do that), so that they can try and share the blame. This is a method to NOT look at their own culpability but point finger at someone else. This can be seen throughout the leadership and in a massive amount in the citizenry itself. It’s a way of life and a deep-seated civilizational cop-out.

      Both China and Russia have support, financial support, schooling support and social support for people that want to have more children. It is real and tangible. Russia has increased pensions for the oldies now a number of times. There is no depopulation there – the thought is abhorrent. Take that as a western flourish! Population growth is encouraged in both China and Russia.

      Know thine enemy?
       Those of us in the multipolar world indeed know the enemy because we have suffered under that enemy!

      “In addition, we see similar measure applied by China and Russia for control of is citizens vis a vis mandatory vaccines, social credit systems, biometric IDs, draconian lockdowns, etc. As I mentioned, since global capitalism is so integrated, the billionaire class (global oligarchy) doe not see nor believe in national borders as they have no real loyalty to their respective countries. ”

      You are confused. Where I live, there are no mandatory vaccines. In fact, my husband had to go for a surgical procedure in the last week and he was not required to vaccinate. He needed a test though, and it was nowhere near as horrible as what the alt-media makes it out to be. China has no mandatory vaccines although they encourage – their own vaccines. Russia has portions of its population under mandates, and nobody really lives up to it – their own vaccines. Cuba has its own .. I think Iran now has their own. See, we don’t trust you.

      social credit system
       is used by those that have no idea what it is, to try and make China complicit. It is neither draconian nor is it unfair to a population. In fact it is mostly meant for business – so as to avoid business excess that may harm the unity of the community. China just took 80 million people out of poverty, and Russia did their fair share, though I forget the number now. We are not being depopulated. In addition, China is doing much to avoid all out famine in Afghanistan, and Russia and others will deliver grain and other products to the middle east and to Africa. Iran just made a deal with one of the Donbass republics, fruit, vegetables and building materials.

      draconian lockdowns
       – where China’s lockdowns in western eyes are draconian, it works for them. It is high time that westerners understand that – it is not your system, and your system actually sucks vs what China is accomplishing in a time of plague. And, in general, there is agreement in the population with a zero Covid policy although, like in other communities the concepts are vigorously discussed. West calls everywhere else ‘draconian’, without a clue in a further attempt to push their oh so superior values on others. Do you not understand that this is complete and utter nonsense? Do you not understand that everything is not about you? Do you not understand that there is a whole world out there with their own views on the issues and a world that refuses your views? We’re sick of it!

      biometric IDs
       – normal passport these days is a biometric document. The other countries want the western countries to stay out of their sphere, and prove that they are healthy because the west is insane, and produces all kinds of bioweapons in labs around the world and has used bio warfare on various occasions. It is you that we are trying to keep out.

      In addition, there is no understanding of a pandemic because you can trust nobody in your leaderships. Thus you are very confused and western citizens behave stupidly because they have no experience. Some time ago I had to go to a country where there still is yellow fever, and I had to take the prophylactic.

      – global capitalism is so integrated, the billionaire class (global oligarchy) doe not see nor believe in national borders as they have no real loyalty to their respective countries.

      -real conflict between the East and the West. They are fighting for dominance within the same system.

      Again, Mr Putin declared that capitalism and its various systems have outlived their usefulness. We are busy making new systems and the necessary laws and structures around that. It is proceeding apace. The world is changing. But what is not changing is the incessant alt media and all media with their FUD and westerners with the imposition of their own supposedly superior values.

      We’re sick of it.

      • – You are confused. Where I live, there are no mandatory vaccines. In fact, my husband had to go for a surgical procedure in the last week and he was not required to vaccinate.

        Interesting if where you live is some place government can decide who are to get health care or not … as if health care is a gift from government

      • Amarynth. Thank you for this honestly it could be a piece on it’s own.

        I love where I live in the US it is one of the most beautiful places in the world, yet I have so little respect for my fellow peoples, who stand for nothing, understand nothing, and believe what they are told by the Davos goons. They stomp their feet at the slaughter in their own country but continue to vote for the same corrupt politicians in their own corrupt parties. They throughout my life have made Russia and North Korea the evil empires Now China has joined the ranks with Iran. So of course it must not be the great wonder of the world causing all the death and destruction, it has to be also Russia and China!
        We in the west no longer have education just propaganda.

        • G’day Susan,

          To be fair it seems clear that ‘USans do not continue to vote for the same corrupt politicians in their own corrupt parties’. Trump probably got 80% of the vote and all elections in the US appear to have been rigged for decades. The problem is corrupt governments, bureaucracies and MSM. AND the quiescence of average USans.

      • Great comments. Many in the US right attack China. A country that has made enormous wealth for itself and this has highly increased the living standards and wealth of the majority of its people.
        Often people fail, rather incredibly, to see the same propaganda launched at Russia is from the same source that attack China. China is really not what is portrayed in the West as.

    • Allen, I sympathize and thought like this for a while too.
      It is healthy to be skeptical in an age of deception.. However the ongoing rupture supercedes mere intra-supranational oligarchic competition. It is a true paradigm change.

      The West appears to have been delightfully deceived.. the civilizational states went along to get them to dismantle and deindustrialize themselves.. saving them a huge workload to tackle the relentless enemy of the cosmos. They knew the AZE dreams which were written down at least as early since Albert Pike’s days around 1870s..

      My understanding is China and others adopted Technocracy not merely to play along, but to defend themselves against quite sophisticated hybrid war without which they would be couped using the lemming youth of their own population. And they learned a lot of tech know-how. Even the vax issue can be explained by a true preventive in Russian-Chinese versions versus God knows what is in the western magic juice. It was their choice for the least destructive way to bring down a nuclear-armed madman without suffering the Gotterdamerung. I disagree with means too, but I have no right to second guess more informed decisions nor to tar them with the same brush as proven criminals.

      This SPIEF discussion panel is a watershed moment though – see both VVP’s categorical words of rejection, as well as unprecedented support by Xi in a video speech..

      The West was induced to foolishly commit a solo suicide and are checkmated. What will they do now??

      • Some things we of the West cannot get our minds around are the facts that (1) political leaders of Zone B can escape the usual Imperial template – shallow-minded miseducated honorless arrogants without conscious or fidelity to their people, and (2) the same neutral tool can have a benign purpose.
        For the former, careful readings of the writings and speeches of Putin & Xi and comparison to their recent historical deeds is revelatory. They mean what they say and demonstrate it.

        For the latter, a recent analogy – I read a physician comment on semi-auto weapons:
        “I doubt that an AR-15 does anything to a child’s body.
        Now, the bullet, that’s another story.
        And the responsibility for that lies squarely with the person attached to the trigger finger.”

        And so it is with “mandatory vaccines, social credit systems, biometric IDs, draconian lockdowns.” We should not assume the same intentionality behind the use of the same tool sets.

  16. A comprehensive, accurate summary of the pickle we’re in. We allowed it to happen, remember, we ignored the warnings and allowed greed and stupidity to own us. Now we are brainwashed slaves who either have no clue that we’re brainwashed slaves or actually welcome our chains because then we don’t have to think for ourselves.

    Just pray that Russia and China prevail. I am certain they will.

  17. This is a very good and succinct synopsis, however it omits discussion of the ongoing Plandemic aspect of the Great Reset with Russia’s and China’s apparent participation in the deception.

  18. it is nice to see that someone can formulate what i was thinking the whole time.
    Can you maybe also made a analyse of the social and economic status of white males in US and more so European society?

  19. I am glad I found The Saker from a link on Citizens Free Press. I check in many times a day. Thank you!

    This article is powerful. Any reasonable person will see this is the plan after reading the article. Seeing the plan is terrifying yet calming at the same time. Now I know exactly what to do. Pray

    I see a post on Telegram showing liberated Zaporozhye has canceled debit to what I assume are banks propped up by the West.

    Is this banking change happening systematically in liberated areas?

  20. Let’s call this what it is, a US ‘Hail Mary’, a last hurrah!

    You can’t control what can’t be controlled and this current crop of western leadership couldn’t control its bowels.

    The emperor/empire has no clothing.

  21. Excellent overview. Thanks. Of course, the details get more twisted than the summary here. Another factor; the world’s economies presently run on oil, i.e. no oil, no economy. In the past in the U.S. oil flowed freely out of the ground, and the population consummed proportionally to the point the population, and thus the economy became hooked on it. Today the U.S. is relying more and more on fracking to get hydro-carbons out of their ground. Fracking is a water intensive, energy intensive, and money intensive way to extract oil, and gas. The only reason one would do it is because there is no other way to get the oil and gas out. So, what this means is that the U.S. is essentially out of oil, and out of gas; they are “scraping the bottom of the barrel” so to speak. With domestic oil and gas tanking on “empty”, the U.S. economy is running out of “steam” as well. The U.S. needs to go out for foreign oil and gas, to supply itself. Unforetuately those countries that have extra oil to spare want to be paid for their sales. What! The U.S. pay? ….. And so another factor for the world’s current troubles.

    Cost of fuel and other energy sources will only get higher. Hoping for prices to come down is likely wishful thinking. Folks in the West, and also probably the rest of the world, would be best off figuring out how to get along with less oil, gas, and other energy.

    • I’d prefer a major US push for modern and/or modular nuclear power for the bulk of supply. Modular would be useful for more rapid deployment. More emphasis on hydrogen or fuels that can be made using electricity. And a massive manhattan project with a goal of practical fusion power generation.

      If we want freedom, we will need to increase our energy production and use it to power industry cheaply, so we can once again manufacture and export product.

    • Yes, just what I wanted to say. The article is an excellent analysis, and clarifies things for me very helpfully, but the end of oil is a massive gorilla in the room that this article ignores. Russia can keep going for a few years yet, but in 100 years time, the worlds population will be much smaller, much more local, and use much less energy.

      However!! GDP does not equal quality of life. The survivors can be happier than us in a more equal, sustainable society.

  22. Davos is just the Zionist Banksters messenger boys. The organ grinders never attend the Davos circus, just their monkeys. Call a spade a spade so people know where to find the source of the problem. Better yet, name names, everybody attacks the monkeys and leaves the organ grinders undisturbed in their castles.

  23. Thanks, but no thanks. As a sovereign Brazilian (a WESTERN country independent enough to choose its own allies), I do not need to be “led” by anyone, let alone totalitarian dictatorships such as China or chaotic state like India.

    What you advocate here is the same as any other person advocating to be “led” by the US, the UK or the EU.

    • “As a sovereign Brazilian (a WESTERN country independent enough to choose its own allies)”

      You must be kidding, no?

      • Angentine is not at state CIA can tell “what to do”.
        Brazil will also be at that level, telling CIA what to do, not the other way around.
        In Liberal Media is will be assumed:
        – We are telling the world what to do

    • My take is that Putin was playing along with Schwab for a while but unlike his lackeys in the West wasn’t loyal to him. Certainly WEF appears to be super angry at Putin and Russia for backstabbing them.

  24. I agree and in fact had thought of something very akin to it.
    The first thing to be banned is SWIFT, entirely. Then Central banks subjected to local governments.
    The second getting out of the UN.
    And last not least to ditch WTO into the mud and build up a new one. This latter part is not that hard to achieve because trade (exchange of goods) and food are the maximum needs of human people.

  25. Wow just when things seem a bit calm we get a barn storming article to shake things up. Thanks Sakers. amarynth There it starts again. Rip snortin post, awesome when gals break the lets be nice deal and let loose.

    So they gonna fight WWIII with green energy.

    Interesting that the whittling away of useless eaters seems most advanced in the US run regions. What could go wrong with a DNA altering experiment run by guys making tons of money they did nothing to earn but cheat, steal and kill, all in the name of science of course. Main credential, looking dapper in a lab coat, are we that gullible? YES

    That the Ukrainians did not learn a thing from the experience of previous proxies, is not so evident. Just don’t post your videos of surrender so the Nazis know you don’t want this fight, or do you? Ah smart phones making us dumb, who knew?

  26. It’s basic economics. The total value of the USA, above and below ground, assets are an estimated $75 trillion, not adjusted for inflation. The national debt is approximately $30 trillion, and that I feel is an underestimate. So, the truth lies somewhere between $75 trillions and the admitted $30 trillion. What worries the Bankers is American gun ownership. How can you tell an American: “by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy”. Especially when part of what we own are ‘guns’.
    When I think of America’s finances I immediately think of Greece. Bankers don’t like to do business with anyone who is upside down. Meaning they owe more than they are worth and lack the ability to pay. Currently the only item that keeps the wolf away is that wolf get’s benefit from our Military, which is really their Military. One day the International Banker will tell Uncle Sam; sorry your we won’t accept your dollar in payment, we want real hard assets. And if Ukraine, I mean the USA, loses to Russia, how will the world react? How will the dollar be effected?
    We need a popular uprising to choose a competent American patriot to lead, one who has the confidence of real Generals and the balls to use it. 1. Seize the media and Hollywood, 2. Denude the DoJ 3. Shake DC by the neck and put every politician on a polygraph 4. Declare a debt Jubilee and remake this American Republic 5. Leave the states alone unless they’re run by Soros. 5A. Arrest Soros and should when he tries to run. 6. Close the borders and begin mass deportations. It has to go something like this.

  27. A good big picture view. Couple of enormously important issues that are actually connected are left out though.

    Resource depletion; there is still plenty of resources but all the cheap and easy stuff is mostly gone. What is left will be more and more expensive and much more environmentally damaging. Everyone knows about “the resource curse” and it is clear that that has been one of the major goals of the Wests global aggressions. What is not talked about or even understood is that as important as securing resources has been, making sure that others do not use them is also important. There is a concept called “Export Land Model” or ELM (don’t bother with the wiki entry as it has been taken over and those of us who were involved in fleshing it out have been locked out). ELM shows how a country that has resources, produces them eventually prosper enough to use increasingly more of those resources until they have little or none to export. Mexico announced they will stop exporting oil to the US in 2023 as just one example. In order to address this the West has systematically “bombed back to the stone age” or threatened to do so to dozens of countries. Many journalist criticised the West for not winning wars but believe me the goal was never about “Winning” it was all about DEMAND DESTRUCTION!

    The other issue is Pollution; Even if you don’t understand climate change there are a couple dozen other issues of destruction of the biosphere that threaten our very existence. Everything we do…everything…generates a waste stream. Everything we make is thrown out, more than half of it is thrown away within a day or two. This has been going on for a very long time, has been increasing rapidly, and as the Bricks+ develop, expand, and increase their consumption, it is going exponential.

    I could go on for 10 pages but you get the idea. Money can be printed but resources can not. Debts might be canceled but pollution won’t.

  28. With masterful strategy Russia has turned all of the weapons of the US against the west: economic, political, and military.

    The SMO has been planned for at least a decade if not longer. In all areas preparations were made for this action. Russia, unlike the US, learned from its history. Russia learned about indirect economic attrition from the Cold War. Russia learned how to thrive under economic sanctions. Russia – arguably the most capable military in history, and one that has generational experience defending its homeland from invasion – refined (and continues to refine) the art of war from combined arms to all dimensions of politics and economics.

    It has been said that Russia lost the propaganda war. This is not correct. Russia has exposed the west’s propaganda war for what it is by creating unsuppressible reality.

  29. The great reset depends on lots of bits of paper with agreements, and contracts written on them, which supposedly obligates us to give everything to the people who have set us the wonderful example of ignoring laws and contracts whenever it suits them.

    They have shown us the way.

    The Russians are showing the way in Ukraine by wiping out the hrivna debts of communities which convert to the Ruble.
    If we are bound by chains of paper, they can be easily broken.

  30. I have to disagree (at least in part) with this analysis; particularly the idea that “debt” is what’s driving the madness.

    According to the author:

    “The panic of our owners and their politicians is understandable because we have come to the end of the line. We can no longer keep up our living standards by debt increase and parasitism. The debt is reaching beyond what we own as collateral and our currencies are about to become worthless.”

    First, what do wealthy scumbags like Biden and Trump et al. and their wealthy scumbag handlers actually care about “our living standards” for example? It is abundantly clear that they don’t give the slightest damn, nor have they ever. Do the madmen presently openly flirting with planetary extinction really care about little old us at all? I think not.

    Second, to the extent there’s a problem with “debt” in the U.S. for example, it’s the result of a long-standing plan to try to take over the world, not the cause of it. Would the U.S. have a problem with debt if it wasn’t squandering trillions of dollars on militarism; if it wasn’t supporting a thousand military bases all over the world; if it wasn’t propping up corrupt puppet governments and vassal states everywhere? Would the dollar’s status as reserve currency be in trouble if the U.S. “government” didn’t weaponize the dollar and go out of its way to make enemies all over the world? I think not.

    I submit that WW3 is strictly the result of a spiritual conflict. Put simply, the evil empire of the Satanic “West” is more evil than the countries that resist subsumption into the empire; therefore these countries must be destroyed, because a greater evil cannot tolerate the existence of a lesser evil. To put it another way, the whole point of the evil empire is to achieve the goal described in Isaiah 14:13,14, apparently by demonstrating that evil can overcome good everywhere on earth. And the devil-worshiping, demon-possessed madmen running the evil empire will stop at nothing and risk everything to achieve this goal.

    • “Do the madmen presently openly flirting with planetary extinction really care about little old us at all? I think not.”

      They don’t necessarily care about living standards but they care about the consequences of lowering them, i.e
      Civil unrest, civil war etc

    • There is truth in what you say.

      Yet evil can take root anywhere. In Africa we have our own evil leaders amongst a few good ones.

      Eternal vigilance. Including of our own and our own societies is needed.much easier to see flaw in others than deal with the devil on our own garden.

      That said there are larger and smaller evils, evil to be placed in hierarchy and those that demand most attention.

      God has no nationality, race or colour. All creation of the creator is precious. Life remains a miracle. Appreciate our world and its beauty as well.

      Principles not nations or races or religions are what will save us.

      Religious principles of truth, compassion, justice, introspection and discipline are not just words. They are essential weapons of God in this dark age of ignorance.

  31. ” To prevent this from happening, a social control mechanism is being implemented which will erase personal freedom, the freedom of speech, and privacy. ”

    However, China has the most sophisticated social control system in the world. What is China afraid of ?

    • @Deporable

      China is mindful of infiltration of its economy by Western financial capitalists to subject its population to debt slavery by the IMF, and high unemployment as is the case in the US and RU.

    • Has it though? We in the UK have, apparently, the highest surveillance by CCTV in the world.
      Remember,the West wrongly accuses Russia of authoritarianism for propaganda and demonization purposes.
      How the West has controlled its “subjects” into supporting the Ukrainian Nazi state has been very extensive and successful social control.
      Also, in comparing social control models China has taken 100s of millions out of poverty. The West has done the exact opposite.

  32. It all makes sense. Since past decade the minions have been roaming around the world like feral hyenas.
    As soon as SMO begun they started hyperventilating and are still hyperventilating and frothing at their mouths. Their masters must be quite worried to have them act like that.

    It is risky accepting USD/Euro, unless it can be used to buy something of value. Best way is to diversify into Yuan/Ruble. Yuan gives you access to virtually anything and Ruble gives you option to buy crude oil, minerals and arms.

    On a personal level, one has to be beware of their agents in the media, They virtually control the whole TV news circus and print media. It would be better to rely on independent and reliable journalists rather than MSM.

  33. I have been telling people for a while that the west needs a war to put itself back on top. This war is supposed to destroy everyone and put them into perpetual debt to the west. It worked in the 1940s, and they want to repeat it. But today, new centers of power are making this much harder.

    • Tricky when you push your enemy to fight and then 3 months in they are kicking your butt by every measure of success. Even trickier when your citizens think you are winning!

      It’s going so badly a good case could be made that the Dems are working for Putin. Maybe that old adage is true after all, crime doesn’t pay.

  34. Mr. Gaius Baltar? Would like to know more about him. His article is an exemplary expository/argumentative essay.

    As for the argument itself: I think that it is only now that Russia has become fully aware of how powerful she is, factually and potentially. She has all the assets: an enormous land, fabulous resources of all kinds, an educated populace, and very powerful political and economic partners: China and India, in particular. It is amazing that most Americans and Europeans still don’t understand how badly they have been deceived by their governments. But as Baltar says, the West is now “descending into darkness” and the deception cannot hold for long.

  35. In the Kherson and Zaporozhe regions likely to undergo change of ownership, the new authorities have already declared, that debts to western owned(ukr) financial and state institutions will be nullified.

    A jubilee.

    It is time for this.

  36. If Schwab & Co. had said WE will own nothing and be happy, I might get onboard. We’ve known for decades that a great reset of our planet-consuming way of life is necessary to avoid suicide by ecocide. Yet suddenly so many have forgotten or repressed what once was common knowledge among thinking people. The whole world seems to have lost its mind, divided itself into two warring teams, both with losing game plans. Am I the only man (or woman) without a party, without a dog in this fight?

    • Climate change is not a simple fact. It is a series of facts and contested facts.

      1. When I was at school 20 years ago apparently the ozone layer was going to become a huge hole and kill us all. Yet it actually shrank over Australia contrary to all expectations. So sciencecwas wrong.

      2. Canada alone has planted enough trees to cover the majority of Amazon losses. In Kenya we have to get a license to cut a tree, logging is largely banned, our capital has two large Forrest’s protected in it. So deforestation is being addressed. Where the environment gets screwed is where Americans spray agent orange (Vietnam), phospherous bombs (middle East) and nuclear weapons (tests in Ocean, bombing of Japan etc). Those are man made disasters courtesy if the West.

      3. Global warming. Firstly. The Earth which is our common home had an ice age. It has been warming ever since. Solar flares affect warming. Earth is also cooling at the rate of 1mm or so a year at the core. That means in my 40 years 4cm of inner core has cooled and been added. Are we contributing to warming? A bit.

      But if there is a global warming tipping point when I was in school 75% pollution cane from America. Do they’d f-ed it all up before anyone else. So they should pay. Alone

      This idea the rest if the world will pollute at the same level as the West is contested. They are all moving to less pollution and more conservation.

      4. Pollution is an issue. West STILL pollutes by far the most. In Africa the majority don’t use throw away wipes and non recyclable nappies. Most people use pit latrines which are super environmentally friendly and help the earth. Yes car pollution is an issue but you can get solutions for that already (non electric).

      5. POPULATION Bullshit. The human population is NOT a problem. The problem is where it is concentrated and what it does. All humans on earth won’t even fill grand canyon. Ants weight more than us combined.

      FACT. Human population is DECLINING everywhere. Total global population growth massively slowed as women get education and contraception. Birth rate is just over 2% currently. Soon human population will decline MASSIVELY. It will top out at 10bn ish max. Then drop hugely. So stop this nonsense about population and study actual statistical population trends.

      So yes we can all pollute less. In Kenya plastic bags are banned. And we still survive.

      Stop this nonsense of complete lies on global warming and population please.

      Africa for one is way ahead of many continents on conservation and non pollution.

  37. Good that the West is bringing upon itself its own demise without a bullet being fired from some non-western adversary, something that would spark WWIII. WWIII is a possibility if the West would resort to terroristic machinations to subvert the inevitable rising of, possibly fairer multipolar institutions the way they are attempting to do in Ukraine, which is to create conditions for a protracted conflict. The moneyed Western elites together with a few traitor oligarchs from Russia are definitely part and parcel of the Davos conspirators. Illiterate government fat heads like those of many African countries who flock to Davos like sheep get bribed with free food and money to sell out on their countries’ sovereignty without understanding the math of the scheme by the Davos sharks. One wishes the West would hasten its own demise by impoverishing itself so much that there won’t be energy to create conditions that would annihilate us all. We all need to survive to see the best that the world is capable of without Western shackles around the ankles.

    • This idea that all billionaires or leaders at Davos think the same is false. There is documented divergence of views. These are all humans same as us.

      However the greatest majority and most powerful core at David are neo con and aligned with the majority of Israeli (dual or not) American and British billionaires.

      It is always a mistake to hype an organisation
      No human organisation is fully United or mistake free.

      Davos has neither unity nor uniformity. It does have a core of people who are capable of influencing world events who are aligned. However that lot meet anyway outside of Davos. Those people can be extraordinarily dangerous if they are aligned against the interests of other humans.

      Billionaires and banks are just human institutions. They are not some sort of monolithic super organised structure that has no internal challenge.

      People talk about Davos but never come up with actual names of who is doing what. That alone is suspect.

      I doubt that billionaires call shots in all countries. They have huge influence that needs to be watched but it is usually the deep state or political class that calls the shots. They may align. Or they may not.

  38. Now that the situation is so serious then why not make some serious moves to defeat the Satanic ziowestern cabals, once and for all. Absolutely agree with the author’s suggestions. Russia, China, India, Iran and other independent countries possess everything they need for this important task. The problem is if they hesitate much longer, they would allow the very strong dollar-backed 5th and 6th columnists active in those countries find the opportunity to break them apart. It’s unlikely that the globalist elites are willing to risk losing their own lives and all their stolen wealth by unleashing nuclear armageddon or conventional war till the end. Most likely they prefer giving up most of their power and wealth in exchange for their own lives, spared.

    • Trouble is some of them are stupid enough to think they could win a nuclear was. Insane though it is. That is why the US has adopted a first strike option.Some in the US think they might be able to strike without Russia replying either due to Russian hesitation or surprise attack!
      There is also the possibility of escalation or accident due to heightened tensions and miscalculation.

    • – The problem is if they hesitate much longer, they would allow the very strong dollar-backed 5th and 6th columnists active in those countries find the opportunity to break them apart.

      It is something new Russia and China as a united front. It is a recipe for WWIII and capitals on both sides being nuked. Think 10 mill deaths in China, 5 mill in Moscow, 10 mill in New York

      • kjell108,
        Do you really believe that Western cabals are so stupid as to seek personal martyrdom knowing that those in the south like the Mexicans, Cubans… will come over and take possession of the US territory? These modern business people especially the Zionist Jews are very cautious/calculating people. They will do anything to save their (family members, relatives…) lives and possessions. They are not the warrior type like Kublai Khan, ready to kill or be killed. First strike or last strike makes no big difference. Their main power is financial, psychological and media warfare. Once they lose track of it they will be seeking for safe holes to hide themselves in. And the average Americans or the Europeans don’t have the necessary motivation for a nuclear armaggedon, either.

    • – It’s unlikely that the globalist elites are willing to risk losing their own lives and all their stolen wealth

      Who knows what they are planning?
      Nuclear war -> martial law -> elite goes underground -> a civil war they hope winning
      (more like WWII again)
      This is not a pleasant scenario, but being exposed and hanged is neither a pleasant scenario

  39. My friends – What needs to happen to stop the Washington war party from escalating this into a horrible massive war ?

    Right now all I see is the war party making billions in graft from aid to Ukraine.

    What will change this dynamic ?

  40. I quote:

    “… Most countries in the West have debt that can only be paid back by selling the entire country and everything it contains. On top of that, most non-western countries are buried in dollar-denominated debt and are practically owned by the same financiers who own the West.”

    “… outside the West, there are certain measures that can be taken and must be taken … declare the dollar and the euro currencies non grata. That means that they should declare default on all debts denominated in these currencies, but not other debts. This will most likely come at a later stage but is inevitable.”

    “The West” presents the paradoxes of final failures from too much success at enforcing frauds. The inherent structure of the debt engine treadmills requires more money to be created out of nothing as debts. The enforced frauds must attempt to become about exponentially more fraudulent. Such exponential growth curves appear to work all too well at the beginning, but then, each doubling of the debts becomes ever more flabbergasting fraudulence.

    As usual with articles like the one above, there is not a deeper analysis based on attempts to reconcile political science with physical science. I will repeat a number of simplified assertions regarding discussions of the combined money/murder systems, or how the debt controls are backed by the death controls.


    Idealized money is presented as if it’s a symbol of human cooperation.

    However, the actual money was primarily a symbol of human coercion.

    Whatever degrees of cooperation that money enables is always within the frame of reference of coercion. Human beings have not changed their basic realities while building bigger and bigger civilizations. Private property does not exist outside of some public violence, because private property is based on backing up claims with coercion. Money is the most abstract form of that process.

    Money evolved from

    circulating metal coins to pay mercenaries,
    to some paper representations of those coins,
    that were no longer linked to those physical coins,
    but rather,
    became paper frauds backed by gunpowder weapons,


    money rapidly became electronically automated frauds,
    backed up by the threats of force from atomic weapons.

    That is the background to the issue of “World War 3 for dummies!” There is only one political system, organized crime. “The West” is the expression of the supreme success of the applications of the methods of organized crime through the political processes, to result in “legalized counterfeiting,” which is the supreme success of organized crime.
    Governments enforce frauds by private banks. Big corporations grow up around those big banks that legally create the public money supplies out of nothing as debts, through their bookkeeping tricks. Those enforced frauds result in symbolic robberies. The alleged owners of such private property have arranged themselves as the spiders at the center of the spider web of relations mediated by money, as backed by murder.

    All human beings live as nested toroidal vortices engaged in entropic pumping of environmental energy flows. All human beings live as gangs of robbers in their environment. The history of civilization was the history of organized crime on larger scales. It was not anything else, and could not become anything else. However, the excessive successfulness of the runaway symbolic robberies achieved by governments enforcing frauds for big banks and corporations has resulted in the hypernormalization of hyperhypocrisies, which is obvious to anyone who recognizes that the debt slavery systems have generated not only numbers which are NUTS, but automatically getting ever more NUTS!

    The public discussions of that manifest inside Wonderland Matrix Bizarro Worlds, because the biggest bullies’ bullshit languages reverse the meaning of everything, on every level. On the contrary, all one has to do is look at the functioning size of any church, country or corporation to know about the scale of their participation in lies and violence. There is nothing but the dynamic equilibria between different systems of more or less organized lies operating robberies.
    Current events are about the established systems becoming insanely unbalanced, as expressions of attempts to develop increasingly integrated and sophisticated slavery systems. “The West,” primarily through the Bank of England, and then the Federal Reserve Board, (but similarly throughout most of the world which have central banks dominated by “The West”) has relatively recently and rapidly been able to transform paper frauds backed by gunpowder weapons into electronic frauds backed by atomic weapons. The numbers regarding that about exponentially increasing fraudulence are necessarily NUTS!

    It is accurate to use the acronym MAD.

    Money As Debt is backed by

    Mutual Assured Destruction.

    Within that overall context, I disagree with the bias implicit in this quote:

    “The Independents, led by Russia, China, and India, must create a block to isolate themselves from the radioactive West.”

    In particular, consider that China, during about the past decade, has created more money out of nothing as debts than the US UK Europe and Japan combined. There is no reasonable doubt that the Communist Party of China is currently just about as big an organized crime entity as “The West.”

    It is the whole of Globalized Neolithic Civilization that is becoming about exponentially more problematic. Although that Civilization became most dominated by “The West,” anything genuinely better would have to be better organized crime, because nothing else can actually exist. It is not possible to have a better money system without a better murder system to back it up. Given that the money has become electronic, while the weapons to back that up have become atomic, there is nothing less that series of profound paradigm shifts in political science which might be able to cope with the series of profound paradigm shifts in physical science, such as demonstrated by those electronic and atomic technologies.

    “The West” has a genuine claim to fame and glory due to the development of the scientific methods, and a culture which allowed prodigious progress in science and technology. In my view, the only good future for “The West” would be to follow that through to profound revolutions in political science, such that human beings could understand themselves better.

    At the present time, “The West” is based on about exponentially increasing enforced frauds, making more and more money out of nothing as debts, which requires that the majority of people continue to deliberately ignore the principle of the conservation of energy, as well as misunderstand the concept of entropy in absurdly backward ways.

    The excessive successfulness of organized crime in “The West” has resulted in debt insanities provoking death insanities. Certainly, the article above was essentially correct about that, as I quoted the most important passages when I began my comment. However, anyone who expects anything genuinely better out of “The East” is delusional. Hence, my other quote above, to indicate what I disagreed with, namely, that any of the countries attempting so-called “independence” are not basically INSANE TOO, as well as also automatically getting worse, faster …

    • – Big corporations grow up around those big banks that legally create the public money supplies out of nothing as debts,

      Inside report told us all licenced banks create money. In case of US, while FED may have created 5-10 $trillion, the other banks have created $20+ trillion.
      The $20 trillion is standard procedure in all Western states. The banks cannot keep the money they create, they have to destroy same amount of money. In that way it is just a way to make economy work.

      • @kjell108

        As the principal of a bank loan is repaid, the banks are required to delete it back out of existence, but they get to keep the interest, which in the case of a mortgage is often as much as the original loan, due to the magic of compound interest.

        If the right of money creation were returned to the US Treasury, the banks would be reduced to being money lenders instead of money creators, and then there would be no US Treasury debt of $39 trillion on which approximately $500 billion per year must be paid in interest by US taxpayers.

        • – If the right of money creation were returned to the US Treasury,

          This belongs to pre-war banking, when dollar was pegged to gold. Modern banking is about all banks creating money.

          When interest is 2.6% (as in UK),. that 2.6% is not the problem “Ten-year fixed-rate UK mortgages ‘are now incredible value’”.
          2.6% interest and 4% inflation means the houseowners are subsidized

          I say UK is in good financial shape. Not so with Russia. If Russia does not have modern banking (Sberbank is controlled by RCB), then Russia is in big trouble.
          Austerity = death

      • Yes! It is rather astonishing that the money used to pay for everything is created out of nothing, and disappears back to nothing, while nothing that the money pays for can be created out of nothing or disappear back to nothing.

        It makes the economy “work” for those in relation to the flow of the new money created out of nothing. Otherwise, it destroys the economy.

        • South Korea did something smart … to manage 10% growth, they run high inflation. South Korea proved it worked.
          While Russian ministers are struggling with 2.5% growth and always having to worry: -Will Putin be angry enough to sack me?

  41. I hated that Gaius Baltar character in Battlestar Galactica, he symbolized everything that is wrong with Hollywood, always portraying Western ideals as democratic tolerance of diversity in ideas and feelings, even to the extent that it is allowed to destroy the West. If I remember correctly Gaius turned on some device which allowed the enemy machines to track the Galactica vessel, when he was a democratically elected President to boot, or something like that. It was just Liberal LGBT nonsense, like most of what Hollywood produces. And it was the females who voted en-masse for that sob who was supposed to be put in front of a firing squad. No wonder I stopped watching TV and started lurking on the internet instead.

    Anyway, this is an excellent article. Interesting that the “slow takedown has also the purpose of avoiding a sudden crash that would cause massive social unrest which would be a threat to our owners”. There is a grouping out there called “Accelerationists” who don’t want the slow, managed on a country by country basis takedown but rather a quick, widespread collapse as they believe this will enable them to survive better than if things are done in a slow, controlled manner. They want the massive, widespread unrest in order to be able to take corrective action against tptb in the midst of chaos.

    But the infamous Deagal Report always said that the population would decrease by 60% in the USA by 2025 I think it was, so maybe the “Accelerationists” will get their wish in the USA. The USA is the cornerstone of the Old World Order so it has to go in order for the New World Order to arise. Interesting that Prof Hudson talks about the collapse of the global South as being first, I thought Africa was mostly indebted to China.

    Some say the current collapse has been timed to coincide with the Grand Solar Minimum, with the disruption caused by the mini ice age to be to be utilized together with all the energy and food and whatnot sabotage to effect the Great Reset. It is also nicely timed with the global reserve currency status collapse which occurs after a hundred years or so, so the Dollars time is just about up.

    But yes, Russia is independent of all the shenanigans happening in the West, and is an existential threat to the Great Reset.

  42. This is a remarkably clear and convincing article for this particular dummy, who is flailing to understand the mess we’re in and are preparing to leave our kids. Thank you, Gaius, and thank you Andrei for offering the platform.

    I have written a memoir The Door in the Nightmare: from the Russian Revolution to Pax Americana because my family has lived the ups and downs of the 20th century: WWI, WWII and all the other proxy wars. I was told it was a good read, but now I see it as just an introduction of what is coming next.

    Sadly, most people in the West are too spoiled and their survival instincts have never had a chance or the need to develop. Except, of course, the Davos crowd, who know better. Again, thanks for the reality check.

  43. “Most countries in the West have debt that can only be paid back by selling the entire country and everything it contains.”

    Because all its debt – which is essentially the total of deposits into Treasury security accounts held by the Federal Reserve – is entirely denominated in the currency it creates, the US can create all the dollars it needs to pay all of it. The US government doesn’t have to sell anything to pay anyone in the US dollars it creates. It could even create all the dollars every US citizen needs to pay off all of their debts if it chooses.

    “Most non-western countries are buried in dollar-denominated debt and are practically owned by the same financiers who own the West.”

    Unlike the US government, non-Western countries cannot create dollars. They’re screwed because only the US can create the US dollars they need to repay their dollar-denominated debt. The “financiers who own the West” effectively control the US through their manipulations of the US Federal Reserve, but they do not own it. Control of the Fed was granted to the financiers by an act of Congress – the Federal Reserve Act – signed into law in 1913, but that control could be reversed by the US Congress and administration.

    “. . .the reserve status of the dollar and the semi-reserve status of the euro which ha[s] enabled the West to export digital money and receive goods in return. This has created enormous financial power for the West and enabled it to function as a parasite on the world economy. We have been getting a lot of goods for free, to put it mildly.”

    I think you are right.

    “The second falsification mechanism is the increase in debt to a level where we have essentially pawned everything we own, including our houses and lands, to keep up our living standards.”

    We – ordinary people – have taken on tremendous debt. Because only the US government can create US dollars and we cannot, our personal debt is onerous and potentially unserviceable.

    “We own nothing now when the debt has been subtracted. The debt has long since become unserviceable – far beyond our ability to pay interests on – which explains why the interest rates in the West are in the neighborhood of zero. Any increase would make the debt unserviceable and we would all go formally bankrupt in a day.”

    Not necessarily. The US government can pay any interest rate it chooses on any obligation it has in the US dollars it creates. We – ordinary people – can go bankrupt, but as the creator of the US dollar in which all its obligations are denominated, the US cannot:

    Ben Bernanke: “The U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press (or, today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost.”
    Statement from the St. Louis Fed: “As the sole manufacturer of dollars, whose debt is denominated in dollars, the U.S. government can never become insolvent.”
    Former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke when he was on 60 Minutes: Scott Pelley: Is that tax money that the Fed is spending? Ben Bernanke: It’s not tax money… We simply use the computer to mark up the size of the account.
    Alan Greenspan: “A government cannot become insolvent with respect to obligations in its own currency.”

    The US cannot become insolvent or unable to pay its obligations denominated in the US dollars it creates.


    • It’s just a bunch of zeros. It doesn’t matter that the USD has lost 98% of it’s “value” since 1921.
      Minting of one penny costs 3 cents, one nickle, 8 cents.
      Digital currency is unrestricted in zeros added, and value at that point becomes irrelevant and in turn debt.

      This is what todays economists are smoking……

      The only thing you “own” is what you can physically put your hands on – right now. May I suggest at least an AR15 and plenty of ammo ? (I know there are many in Europe who have stashed firearms ;}

  44. “Most countries in the West have debt that can only be paid back by selling the entire country and everything it contains.”

    Because all its debt – which is essentially the total of deposits into Treasury security accounts held by the Federal Reserve – is entirely denominated in the currency it creates, the US can create all the dollars it needs to pay all of it. The US government doesn’t have to sell anything to pay anyone in the US dollars it creates. It could even create all the dollars every US citizen needs to pay off all their debts if it chooses.

    “Most non-western countries are buried in dollar-denominated debt and are practically owned by the same financiers who own the West.”

    Unlike the US government, non-Western countries cannot create dollars. They’re screwed because only the US government can create the US dollars they need to repay their dollar-denominated debt. The “financiers who own the West” effectively control the US through their manipulations of the US Federal Reserve, but they do not own it. Control of the Fed was granted to the financiers by an act of Congress – the Federal Reserve Act – signed into law in 1913, but that control could be reversed by the US Congress and administration.

    “. . .the reserve status of the dollar and the semi-reserve status of the euro which ha[s] enabled the West to export digital money and receive goods in return. This has created enormous financial power for the West and enabled it to function as a parasite on the world economy. We have been getting a lot of goods for free, to put it mildly.”

    I think you are right.

    “The second falsification mechanism is the increase in debt to a level where we have essentially pawned everything we own, including our houses and lands, to keep up our living standards.”

    We – ordinary people – have taken on tremendous debt. Because only the US government can create US dollars and we cannot, our personal debt is onerous and potentially unserviceable.

    “We own nothing now when the debt has been subtracted. The debt has long since become unserviceable – far beyond our ability to pay interests on – which explains why the interest rates in the West are in the neighborhood of zero. Any increase would make the debt unserviceable and we would all go formally bankrupt in a day.”

    We – ordinary people – can go bankrupt, but as the creator of the US dollar in which all its obligations are denominated, the US government cannot:

    Ben Bernanke: “The U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press (or, today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost.”
    Statement from the St. Louis Fed: “As the sole manufacturer of dollars, whose debt is denominated in dollars, the U.S. government can never become insolvent.”
    Former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke when he was on 60 Minutes: Scott Pelley: Is that tax money that the Fed is spending? Ben Bernanke: It’s not tax money… We simply use the computer to mark up the size of the account.
    Alan Greenspan: “A government cannot become insolvent with respect to obligations in its own currency.”

    The US government cannot become insolvent or unable to pay its obligations denominated in the US dollars it creates.

    h/t #Monetary Sovereignty

    • Federal Reserve Notes are not sovereign, since they are all created out of thin air by private banks, such as Citibank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase every time they make a loan.

      The US Treasury is now in debt to the banks to the tune of $39 trillion on which approximately $500 billion interest must be paid every year by tax payers and/or by more borrowing. Essentially Federal Reserve Notes are a privatized currency.

      If the right of money creation were returned to the US Treasury, as it should be, there would be no government debt. This is exactly what China does using its state owned central bank to create its domestic currency the yuan free of debt, it uses to build infrastructure, finance healthcare and education, that explains why their economy is rapidly expanding, overtaking the US and EU.

        • @opport Knocks

          $88.5 billion paid by the Federal Reserve to the US Treasury is peanuts. It is a payment made for the receipt of paper money printed by an arm of the US Treasury, that constitutes only 2% of the money supply

          98% of the US money supply is created by the Member Banks of the Federal Reserve as interest bearing debt, such that

          no debts = no money

          However, in recent years the Fed has been creating money debt free for its own account to buy stocks and non performing corporate bonds, that it adds to its balance sheet, totaling $8.5 trillion in May 2022. Presumably to prop up the stock market Ponzi scheme and non performing corporate bonds to reduce bankruptcy proceedings.

          The Fed could in fact create debt free money to fund all government spending, including a universal basic income, that would obviate the need for Social Security, unemployment benefits and state and local property taxes. The problem, however, would be inflation of the currency, but this could easily be remedied by having the IRS delete excess money back out of existence as necessary by way of a progressive Federal income tax.

          • If we add together balance sheet

            JPMorgan Chase $3,950 trillion
            Bank of America $3,085 trillion
            Citigroup $2,290 trillion
            Well Fargo $1,950 trillion
            $11,275 trillion

            That will roughly be how much money these 4 banks have created

            FED total assets (Wikipedia)
            $7,708 trillion

            Then total sum
            $18,983 trillion

            Then add all the other US banks and
            total sum be be $20-30 trillion, in line with what I wrote

            Money created = debt created

            The money created is not profit for FED++, as the Austerians want us to believe

            • Austerians -> Austrians

              Using another appoach
              Public + private debt for UK roughtly $21 trillion -> $21 trillion new money created in UK
              Public + private debt for US roughtly $60 trillion -> $60 trillion new money created in US
              Public + private debt for Russia roughtly $1.7 trillion -> $1.7 trillion new money created in Russia
              (National debt for Russia was $0.49, Sberbank has $0.57 trillion as assets)

              (Paul Craig Roberts calls Russian national economists idiots.
              “2022-03-01: Sberbank steeply raises mortgage rates for available, unfinished homes from 11.3% to 18.6%”
              If I emigrated to Russia interest on a $200,000 mortgage will be $22,000 … not $6,000)

  45. “Subjugating Russia and China is an existential issue for our Davos owners because when they take the western economy down, everything else must go down too. If the western economy is taken down and a large economic block doesn’t participate in the downfall, it will be a disaster for the West. The new block will gain massive economic power, and possibly unipolar hegemony of sorts, while the West descends into a feudal Dark Age and irrelevance. Therefore the entire world must go down for the Great Reset to work. Russia and China must be subjugated by any means, as well as India and other stubborn nations.”

    Strongly disagree with that conclusion. There will be a massive repudiation of unpayable debts, just as Russia did at the start of this hyper-debt cycle in 1998.

    The West will be fine after a relatively brief period of adjustment. For all the alt-media hype about the decline of the west, there are a huge number of very smart, innovative and hard working people here.

  46. I always believe that “ The best laid plans of mice and men are oft to go awry “. It’s quite astonishing what can pop up out of seemingly nowhere and screw some strategy up completely.

    Once fear has replaced hubris in the elites, they are proven to be useless at making any relevant decisions to aleviate their collapsing hegemonic doctrine, as is what is happening with the western elites right now. Their octopus tentacles lose suction and the cancer of their corruption has rotted their potential, to the extent that all their ambitions melt like a candle in a blast furnace, after the west’s collapse, the world will fall back into a terrestial rythmn but with a more enlightened philosophy.

    From my experience whilst nothing ever goes quite to plan, unless it is in some sort of mechanical engineered design, things do tend to sort themselves out, even for the ‘ losers ‘.

    Observe what is happening in modern European countries now. People below 30 don’t buy vehilcles, let alone new ones because it’s not so much the price of the vehicle but the price of the insurance, let alone running costs. There is a change in expectations and cultural ethos happening and I have an optomistic outlook that despite the best efforts of the western education systems to propagandize youngsters, enough will see through the propaganda to realize that the east is where the sun us rising ( again ).

  47. Great article. Now it can be argued that WW3 started last decade with the war in Syria and the revelation of Russia’s breakthroughs in strategic weapons which overturned the balance and put an end to US hopes of achieving nuclear First Strike capability.
    The West was soundly beaten in that encounter but everybody who followed it knew they would not give up and Ukraine was a predictable candidate for revanche.
    The underlying issue is the same as in the previous world wars: who will control the global reserve currency. But the new option of multipolarity may save the day, the West may in the end accept a diminished place.. but for that more people must open their eyes.

  48. “The system of private property is the most important guarantee of freedom, not only for those who own property, but scarcely less for those who do not.” – F. A. Hayek

    It’s not a shock that the architects of a “Great Reset” want to destroy private property rights for 99+% of the world and reduce the vast majority to serfs; some of the quotes Hayek had in interviews late in his life make me wonder if he foresaw the current situation as almost inevitable.

  49. A great summary of the state of affairs, but it does not name the entity in charge of the Davos Dogs that herd the western flock.

    That western flock can take action as well by identifying and turning on the Davos Dogs in their own countries. The dogs most often hold elected positions or are appointed by elected representatives. Make their existence an electoral issue, THE electoral issue. Raies awareness within the flock. Sheep have hooves and while individually they can be painfull weapons, used in mass they are fatal to any Davos dog that falls beneath them.

    ps, one weapon against the disinformation about climate change can be found at John Micheal Greer’s Ecosophia blog, in the form of an excellent essay on the subject of climate change. He puts the issue in its widest perspective, and introduces a much needed dose of reality.

    pps I just noticed his latest effort addresses the fall of the US empire, should be a ripper if past performance is any guide

  50. Gaius Baltar writes:
    “The Great Reset is a mechanism for the seizing of all debt collateral which includes your assets…”

    Even if you believe this may happen, which is debatable, given free will, non-compliance, and the impotence of authority to enforce mass confiscation on a global scale, the antidote to authoritarian attempts to control the individual is to own gold. Become your own central bank.

    Pretty simple, but not universally understood, unless you are raised in a culture, such as India or Thailand, that has never departed from the use of gold as money. Or been encouraged by your government to personally save in gold as China and Russia have made that their policy in recent years. In stark contrast, the Western financial media and governments and central banks have denigrated gold, and actively supress the price through derivatives, or “paper gold.” Yet in breathtaking hypocrisy central banks secretly hoard gold. Don’t do what they say, do what they do!

    Michael Hudson said in a recent interview he has no idea what amount of gold China has.
    While no one knows the exact figure those in the gold wholesale and refining industries whom I follow estimate China has 22,000 metric tonnes as reserves. With another 20,000 estimated owned among China’s population. China’s policy is to never sell their mined gold but continue to buy more. For example China buys almost all the Australian production of gold of 340 tonnes every year. China’s ambitions have made it one of the world’s largest shareholders of silver and gold mines in dozens of countries bought either through Chinese owned banks or it’s government agencies.

  51. I have been cut and pasting this onto every facebook friend I came across today, and e mailed a few people. This is solid, now I have had most of those thoughts and argued various aspects recognizing the realities long ago, but this is woven together brilliantly. with updated insights thank you very much. Putin made a point in his recent remarks that emphasized something here, let me put my mind finger on it again…la, la, oh yes, that he thought that in the visible future, a changing of the western elites might be in the cards, implying a populist fueled take down of the existing western ‘oligarchs’, and to my mind, creating necessary new systems to deal the stark realities of the system imploding, implying the NWO reset will not happen via their efforts privatize and liquidate all assets of everyone, hair brained as that sounds out loud, but that economic implosion and a debt forgiveness jubilee as described by Michael Hudson here and there, is the more likely outcome, and Russia and China ain’t going anywhere, LOL. So, hopefully it goes out with a whimper and not a big bang.

  52. I totally agree with your 1-4 measures,but let me add a 5th measure. The nations supporting the multi-polar world needs to be constantly increased. The nations that want to be sovereign should be encouraged to join them. So there numbers constantly increase. And they need to be protected from the West’s retaliation against them. Which means there needs to be a military component to the alliance. The West will pick off any non-protected nation they can. And unlike Russia and China,most nations of the world aren’t able to fully protect themselves from the West,they need help for that.

    I would suggest that Russia,China and the other allies form an organization similar to the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization). That Russia has used successfully in the past to stop the West’s attack on member states. The latest time was Russia using the organization to prevent a color revolution in Kazakhstan in 2021. An organization like that would be a protective umbrella over member states,which would be a encouragement for other states to join it and be protected when they break away from the West’s control.

  53. “… the western population is too brainwashed and ignorant. ”

    This is the main reason we are in the shit. Ignorant covidiots and vaxtards abound. They drank the Kool Aid from WHO, etc and will drink more when the Davos crowd serves it.

    I have been warning friends, family, and acquaintances for years and only a small percentage ‘get it’.
    Most reply with “What can we do? Nothing!” (and continue voting for the treasonous scum that sell us out); or refute the facts as it interferes with their cosy bubble of unreality.
    Most don’t have the faintest clue about geopolitics, The Great Game, neoconservative Zionist influence, etc.

    Some days I just want to bang my head against a brick wall.

  54. Very nice summary of the state of play.
    In broad strokes, I’ve long subscribed to Baltar’s outline, or one very similar to it. It’s been clear since the ’90s that the West’s dominance was running on fumes, and that capital was already leaving the West at an accelerating rate.

    The West’s extraordinary system of finance rose at the turn of the 20th C, a time of unprecedented promise as technology and the discovery/harnessing of incalculable amounts of effectively free energy had reached the critical mass to create a “hockey stick” in the human development curve. They may not have known where it was all going, but the Great & Mighty saw that natural feed-forward mechanisms driving growth would unleash developmental processes at a rate simply never seen before.

    How to front load that development and extract its rewards was the great challenge. Existing financial theories and systems could support but a smooth, relatively shallow slope, totally inadequate to the purpose of funding the step-function in growth they foresaw.

    Enter the debt-based monetary system. Money had ever been issued based on previously acquired wealth, but would now be issued based on expectation of future wealth. Suddenly, everything changed. For the first time in human history, poor men with good ideas had an opportunity to develop those ideas provided they could show that wealth creation would result. The hockey stick formed, and within 2 generations humanity went from digging, growing, or making things by hand, to orbiting the planet using technologies and techniques literally unimaginable only 6 decades earlier..

    The new monetary system did its job probably better than anyone envisaged at its onset, but at the turn of the 3rd generation its Achilles Heel had become evident. The system could issue money against future wealth, but in doing so it couldn’t issue the money to service that debt. Ergo, the system required continuous, preferably accelerating growth so that new money could be fed back into the system to service the existing debt. The Laws of Entropy, alas, do not allow for never-ending economic growth, or never-ending anything else for that matter.

    Eventually, as development matured the rate of growth would inevitably slow, and the debt would become unpayable. Collapse was baked into the cake from the start, but as Keynes said “In the long run, we’re all dead” and so it was first allowed to continue, and then had to be increasingly forced to continue. Somewhere in the ’90s we passed the point where the forcing began making it worse. At some point the aggregate, notional debt exceeded the monetary value of the planet and everything on it, and nobody was borrowing more. The debt has become unserviceable and will necessarily go into mass default. Even ZIRP can’t save it.

    Collapses are nasty things. Generally, everybody loses, incl the elites. Roman, Mayan, Incan, Thai, Indian (the list is endless) elites disappeared with the civilizations they ruled. Knowing all this decades in advance, the West’s owners went about making sure they themselves retained their position while everything else collapsed from under them. Davos Man was born for the express purpose of developing a plan to that end. In their Hubris, they believed they could manage the non-linear processes that define Chaos. No, they can’t be predicted, never mind managed.

    After 30 yrs of preparation, forming/re-organizing national & international institutions, writing and re-writing memes and narratives to help shape the coming crises, Davos Man made his move(s). 2 1/2 yrs later, we see now that it’s headed for failure. We may, in fact be already seeing the high water mark and will soon be watching the Great Plan rolling back out to the sea it came from.

    Davos Man needed another generation, or at least another decade of running room. He needed his comprador elites back in the saddle in Moscow and Beijing. That would take time he didn’t have. Then the unthinkable happened. Moscow’s elites switched from defence to offence, throwing Davos Man’s Grand Plan into a cocked hat. Managed collapse was suddenly off the menu, replaced by an unappetizing assortment of chaotic, non-linear processes that hold no guarantees of continuity for the west’s owners.

    So here we are. The West’s elites, from its owners to its managers are in disarray. They’ll stay there. Only the shareholders can save the enterprise now. Like an exponential curve that starts oh so slowly and then accelerates upwards at an accelerating rate, the shareholders are waking up to the situation. Dissident winds are stirring, bringing even more chaotic, non-linear processes in play. If the shareholders can end-run their elites and petition Moscow & Beijing for help, they’ll get it in quadruplicate. If they remain in thrall to their elites, they’ll ride a very bumpy trail to the bottom and the ash heap of history.

  55. “The Independents, led by Russia, China, and India, must create a block to isolate themselves from the radioactive West. This isolation must not only be economic, but also political and social. Their economic systems must be divorced from the West and made autonomous. Their cultures and history must be defended against western influences and revisionism. This process appears to be underway.”

    For all practical intents and purposes, Russia, China and Iran are separate political block. Many others are in process of joining. Specicfically russian ecenomy hardly could be touched by the economic crash of the West – the disentanglement was already underway at least since 2008; US and EU sanctions as response for the SMO sped up the process.

    “The Independents must immediately ban all western sponsored institutions and NGOs in their countries, regardless of whether they are sponsored by western states or individuals. Furthermore, they must ban all media receiving western sponsorship and strip every school and university of western sponsorship and influence.”

    For all practical intents and purposes Russia already did this. Western institutions and NGOs actually never had much of foothold in China or Iran.

    “They must leave all international institutions up to and possibly including the United Nations because all international bodies are controlled by the West. They must then replace them with new institutions within their block.”

    Russia and China are already doing that. They still keep their position in some of those western-controller institutions just to keep eye on things.

    “They must, at some point, declare the dollar and the euro currencies non grata. That means that they should declare default on all debts denominated in these currencies, but not other debts. This will most likely come at a later stage but is inevitable.”

    Well, Russia practically already did that by forcing the “unfriendly” countries to pay for hydrocarbons in roubles and gold. As for default on all debts denominated in US$ and EUR – well, the West did that for Russia by excluding Russian central bank from SWIFT. For Russia – good riddance.

  56. The US is dealing with this debt issue since 2020 by printing money causing high inflation so the nominal debt will be reduced.

    Example: Lets say the debt total is $50 trillion so only that is repayable. Expanding the floating cash and via that commodity & asset prices to $200 trillion by inflation and printing (like 1970s) leaves the lender with the nominal $amount owed but which is worth much less in purchasing power.

    Much of this is an illusion and the solution to the entire centuries old problem is to remove or limit those in control of this process with checks & balances, and fix sensible budget and monetary policies that cannot be changed unless there is a special reason.

  57. A very good and short analysis. I also appreciate the pen name of the author – “Gaius Baltar”. Battlestar Galactica is one of the best sci-fi masterpieces. One of my most favourite quotes from it is: “The perfection of creation, the beauty of physics, the wonder of mathematics, the elation between action and reaction.” The whole universe is explained in this short sentence. Again – bravo to Gaius Baltar – I am translating this article into Bulgarian.

  58. For individuals:
    Unnecessary spending will decrease. We are already there. Eating, health care, transportation to work will be the priorities. Low cost travel will stop. The mass tourism industry will decrease, Thailand, Tourism and drunkenness in Spain for the brits will cease, etc…. Local tourism, camping and summer camps will make a comeback.

    Wallstreet will fall precipitating retirees into misery. (Yes I know many are already there).

    Wasteful spending will stop. US Navy, US Air force and professional army in the West will drastically decrease in size. Many bases and equipment will simply be abandoned. Return of conscription. The National Guard in the US will play a crucial role in homeland security or civil war. Who knows? USA will split in several countries?

    Mass immigration will cease, pockets of hunger or even famine will form, perhaps even in the West. Life expectancy will drop in the West.

    Countries with a well-developed public transport network will fare less badly. This will be the basis for the relocation of local production.

    The crisis will last for 25 years, during this process the Davos elites will lose power. The scorned people will hunt them down in the toilet.

    Russia and China will invest in a responsible way in Asia, Africa and South America to collectively develop these communities.

    A truthful communication will give the West its rightful place as a civilization of mass murder and lies.

    The Davos elites lost two decisive battles long ago. The failure of the color revolution at Tien An Men in 1989. Return of Russia with Putin the Great. The war in Ukraine only precipitates the final fall which is inevitable since these two defeats.

    Hurra, hurra, hurra Pobyeda, long live Russia

    1. The situational analysis is mostly on the spot.

      However the proposed “actions” are utterly idiotic. To put it mildly. The ONLY thing they would achieve is to increase the probability – to the point of a practical surety – that the conflict will go Hot from the currect Cold-War-ish mode.

      Even the Pope understood this and warned against overplaying the West’s hand. And this is the The Papacy. The absolutely LAST institution to hold Russia or China in any regard whatsoever (!).

    2. This is, I think, a sound assessment of what is going on – but not 100% so. I have to disagree with identifying the Davos group as the master of disaster. There was this J. Vedmore article a couple months ago about how Schwab was built up as a frontman/bogeyman for the masses, when in fact he was groomed and set up by Kissinger / Harvard / CIA / John Kenneth Galbraith / Herman Kahn. Schwab being German, he is an ideal blame guy. He is not the puppet master, though.

      And that is why I have to also disagree with the following passage:

      » There are, however, some indications that there may be divisions within western elites. Some of them, particularly within the US, may be resisting the primarily Europe-designed Great Reset – but whether this opposition is real or effective remains to be seen. «

      The Great Reset is the Azi American plan for Europe. But Europe won’t like it. Because it means deindustrialization and impoverishment. We would prefer if the Azi American elite apply their bitter medicine to their own populace – and face the consequences.

      The only valid European plan can be to prevent, derail and defeat the American plan. Some of it can been through the hesitancy apparent in German, Italian and even French support (or rather, lack thereof) for the Ukrainian monstrosity.

    3. Oops, what does the western world cost nowadays? Basically nothing!

      The Yang was pushed much too far and now turned to Yin.

      Germany has a special stand as it was called to recover its institutions by public international law!
      Therefore Preußen does not owe its whole country to the debt holders of the west.
      It’s just the Bundesrepublik/Bund that owes but which was truncated to Berlin and Antarctica. The rest of Germany is free to set itself up again.

      This leaves ONLY ONE WAY TO GO for the debt holders -> forget the amount of debts and reduce them to a manageable amount and let loose of the colonies, sorry, western countries to let them be able to flourish again.

      OR the debt holders join to be dead in world war 3 and come out also owning nothing.

      IT’S SO EASY! There is no decision making necessary. Even the Vatican has to let go!