About the real problem of our society

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Its name is the ideology that has become a black box, a mental prison, in which we have become incapable of imagining any other way of organising our lives, any other future than the one we are destined for at the moment. That ideology’s name is capitalism.

No, that ideology’s name is the so-called «Enlightenment». Capitalism is only a manifestation of it. The author has rejected capitalism without rejecting the Enlightenment. He is unaware of the way he has been brainwashed. He thinks he is outside the matrix but he is inside it.

The Enlightenment stated that the man is naturally good (Rousseau) so evil is caused by the political, economical or cultural systems. In fact, evil is intrinsic to human nature (what Christians call «original sin»).

The last centuries (and especially, the last decades) have had the following characteristics:

1. The search for «freedom», which is a fancy word for «selfishness» (which was traditionally called «sin»). People consider themselves as good so don’t want to be subjected to their conscience, stigma, social rules. Nothing but «do what you will» will do. Then, they virtual signal with a fashionable progressive cause to feel that they are virtuous and not selfish.

2. This produces an increasing anarchy (please see the crime rate in London at the beginning of the XX century), which is managed by technology and the wealth that technology produces. So there is an army of bureaucrats (social workers, civil servants, etc.) that try to manage the dysfunction of our society.

The outcomes are bad so people look for a solution. But the people have been brainwashed by the Enlightenment ideology, which works as a secular religion, so the only way out they see is to change the system (in this case, capitalism). We have seen how well this has worked.

People don’t think they have to change themselves because they see themselves as good, although they are more selfish than any other generation in history. The thing that has to change is the system, that is, the other people. But you can’t make a good building (system) with defective bricks (people), no matter how you arrange these bricks.